"Hey, Emilia?" Jay asked from beside her. He'd been watching her work for the past few minutes, hoping he wouldn't have to ask and could just learn from her by watching, but that hadn't been the case. "How did you do that part? I can't get this bit to connect." It took her a moment to understand what he was talking about even after he'd rotated his components and pointed out the part he was struggling with.

"Oh, it's really small, I got it by turning the board slightly and..." There was nothing more she could explain in words. "If you want I can show you?"

"Go ahead," Jay hardly moved away from his set of components, if he had he'd have lost all vision of what he was supposed to be doing, but it had left Emilia with the choice between no room to work or total invasion of his personal space. She tried to give him as much room as she could, but there was only so far that could be applied as she angled the circuit board slightly diagonally, holding the resistor in place for demonstration.

"Like that," she finished, moving back a little in hope he'd be able to see it all. "Then you can make room for the soldering iron."

"Sorry to ask again... but how do you fit that in?" Jay hated looking so stupid in front of her, usually he knew exactly what he was doing. He was just glad that she didn't seem to be talking down to him like she so easily could've.

"If you move it around, kind of..." Emilia trailed off as her various indicative hand gestures got incredibly complicated, Jay simply relaxing his hold on the soldering iron as an invitation for her to take it instead. He didn't totally let go as she had taken it though, and as she hesitated she realised he wasn't going to. "Just up past that bit, and through there," she muttered as she guided the soldering iron around the already-fixed components, and desperately tried to ignore the feeling of her hand on his, maybe more trying to ignore the idea that the contact wasn't horrible as the thought solidified in her mind.

Clara loudly demonstrating her completed circuitry to almost half the class crowded around her workstation proved an effective distraction from the touch, a convoluted explanation of another order to do it in that she insisted, despite the written instructions, still worked and was in fact far more efficient.

"You probably should've listened to her, that's probably a better way," Emilia second guessed herself, unavoidably listening in.

"Maybe, but yours worked perfectly," Jay smiled. He was hardly reaching for more than the bare minimum anyway, and if being the one to help him out raised her self confidence a little, that was an added bonus.

"Far from it," Emilia laughed. Standing against Clara still filled her with insecurity. "But if it works I guess."

"That is all it needs to do," Zane pointed out. Emilia almost felt bad for the smile that followed, but something about the way he'd said it had aligned perfectly with her sense of humour.

Catching sight of Daisy waiting outside for her as she shoved her notebook hurriedly into her bag was the relief she'd hoped for as the class had drawn to a close. Emilia silently thanked Mr Reid for running those few minutes extra that would've meant Daisy had the time to get down to the electronics block to meet her, even if it was just to walk to their next class.

"Hey, how was your first class?" Until her closest friend had spoken, actively welcoming Emilia into her whole presence, she hadn't realised how tense she'd been. Emilia felt her shoulders drop slightly, the tightness in her chest evaporating with it.

"Thanks for meeting me, it's nice to see someone I know," Emilia said, bluntly out of exhaustion from not even a whole morning. This was going to be a long day.

"That bad?"

"Oh, no not really," she continued elaborating to Daisy, "Clara totally ignored my existence, but I got lucky with seating this time at least." Leaving Jay and Zane out of her recap of the morning would be impossible when they were such a bright part of it, but there was still such a heavy doubt in her mind. "I kind of made friends, maybe. I don't know."

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