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i actually take schlatt's advice and i text dream the next day.

me: hi dream, it's quackity :)

dream: hi quackity! i knew it was you i have ur number saved lol anyways whats up

me: not much i was wondering if you and george wanted to meet up with me today or tomorrow ive missed you guys

dream: im down, let me make a gc with you and george so we can sort out more plans :D

dream added you to a group: we get bitches

me: lol dream u wish u got bitches

dream: shut up i have george


dream: oh hi baby

george: dont fucking call me that or i'll start calling you dreamie

me: god maybe i dont wanna meetup, i dont wanna thirdwheel you two

george: no quackityyyy come see us we miss you \o/

dream: hugging other men george?

george: oh come on its just quackity

me: oooo dreams a controlling and jealous bf, good luck george

george: ugh hes so annoying

dream: so what are the plans for our meetup today? tomorrow? BOTH?

me: im literally free whenever lol, schlatt finishes work at like 7 so i should be home around then but i'll be free whenever else

dream: be ready in like 30 mins we'll come pick you up q

me: okay see you soon :)

is it weird that i'm absolutely shitting it? i haven't been out with anyone for at least three months, is it normal to be this fucking nervous?

maybe if i didn't spend all day every day alone i'd be better at socialising.

no time to really think about it though, dream and george will be here soon and i'm not even dressed.

i reluctantly get out of bed and stroll over to my wardrobe and pick out the most okay-looking outfit i can find. i settle on a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt and my usual blue LAFD beanie to cover up my birds nest of hair.

schlatt says he loves how my hair always looks gorgeous even when its messy. god, if only he knew how he looked in my eyes.

i look at the time and see that it's nearly 1:30, the time where george and dream are meant to be picking me up. alarmed at how long it took me to get ready, i rush downstairs and find my shoes which i pull on just in time for the doorbell to ring. i look at the time and see that it's exactly half one. wow, they are good.

opening the door, i'm greeted by george who pulls me into a massive hug. i've missed that. we're separated by dream who beeps the car horn and shouts, "george let go of him already! jesus christ!"

i laugh at his reaction before locking my front door and getting into the backseat of dream's car while george gets in the front.

"hey dream, how are you?"

"i'm alright, how've you been holding up since you lost your job?"

"i've been okay, relying on schlatt to earn enough money for the both of us, but with his job that's not difficult. i should really start job hunting but i just don't know where would suit me."

"just look around various places," george suggests, "you'll soon find somewhere you like. it's better to work somewhere you will enjoy because you'll find working less effortful. just do what you wanna do, q."

"thanks for the advice," i smile. "so where are we going then?"

"oh my god, did george not tell you? i thought we could just try and sneak into the circus. is that alright?"

"oh my god, dream, you have the best ideas. that sounds so fun holy shit."

about 20 minutes goes by in the car, none of us are really talking so dream turns on the radio for the duration of the car journey.

dream finally pulls into a side road and parks the car on the side of the street. "right we'll have to wait until after the circus has actually started because the security guards usually go away, then we can sneak under the tent and hope no one sees us."

"okay! i'll follow you lot, though, because no way am i going first." i laugh.

"yeah, dream, you can go first." george agrees with me.

"ugh losers." dream rolls his eyes but laughs along anyway.

"oh look, the guards are going inside, now's our chance!" george says excitedly.

"come on! follow me!" dream gets out the car quickly, but closes the door quietly as to not alert anyone of our arrival.

"okay, quackity, hold up the tent for me and george and then come in after us, be QUIET!"

"okay." i whispered but it came out with a giggle. can you blame me? this is a funny thing to do.

"okay." i repeat, trying to stop laughing because i didn't wanna be the one to ruin this. finally, when i stopped laughing and dream and george were ready, i lifted the circus tent up from the bottom - but not too high - so that dream and george could duck under quickly.

except. they didn't.

"wait. quackity drop it." i dropped it, maybe a bit too loudly.

"shit." dream said as a security guard came from the entrance and started shouting at us.

"run?" george asked, "run." dream confirmed.

dream sprinted off, with george close behind and i followed, although i was nowhere near as fast and they got to the car much faster than i did.

when i got to the car, dream already had the engine running and he drove off as soon as i shut the door.

as soon as we were far enough away, dream burst into laughter, setting me and george off too.

"did you see his face?? he looked so pissed off" dream wheezed out.

"quackity the way you dropped the tent so LOUDLY oh my god!" george laughed too

"i'm sorry! i didn't know it would be so loud!" i laugh with them.

"alright we'll i should probably bring you home soon, schlatt is gonna finish work soon right?" dream asks.

i look at the time, it's 6pm what?

"oh yeah he will, thanks dream"

they drive me home and we agree to meet up every week from now on.

how did i go so long without seeing them?

1071 words

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