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As usual pale city was raining with those freaky viewers entertaining themselves with just static boring tv.

Pale city never actually had light to shine it up so it was always like it was the definition of total darkness, no one knew how built it or how long it was there or where the monster came from, as if that would help.

Yet the real darkness, located at the center of pale city was where "HE" was in charge.

HE has never left the tower after all this time and he lost absolutely track of it there, it was probably been days weeks months or maybe years, either way he has no idea but that doesn't matter to him.

Alone....he just wants to be alone, just himself sitting in that chair.

He's changed...

He's changed a lot...

After a while his eyes turned glowing silver, his hair has grown longer near his shoulders, he also has grown very slightly taller with a scar across his nose bridge.

He doesn't care about anything at all at this point including himself, even if he dies it wouldn't make a damn difference.

But then...

He feels a presence near his kingdom...

And after I painful time...

He finally stands up...

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