chapter 2: freedom

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Slick's POV

I lied there on that fake bunk for kriff knows how long. Ignoring the meals they brought me. The treaths and insults they threw at me. Nor that i could die off hunger and thirst. All I could think off now was Chopper and the hearth ace I fell. All I wanted was to hide away now in my bunk and never come out again… Chopper was gone forever… I had lost him… all because I had wanted to change things for the better for us.

I was thinking about this and other things when I I suddenly heard someone at the door. Had chopper come back because he changed his mind and wanted to appoligize?

Hopeful as I fell I got up and dusted myself off, wanting to look at least presentable. I probably still looked like I cried recently but there was little I could do about that.

"Carefull in there, little traitor's a cunning one... he'll probably do anything to get out off there before he's gonna meet his maker" the guard told whoever came to visit me, making me visicly roll my eyes at his antics. Like i had anyone to run to or anyone to go back to if i were to escape... returning to the GAR in disguise was the last thing i wanted and chances were the seperatists weren't gonna welcome me with open arms either... that little son off a droid was probably just trying to get whoever was at the door to reconcider...

I starter my line off curses, but stopped when the door suddenly opened and not Chopper but a WOMAN walked into the room. A woman with blonde hair, which she wore in a short ponytail on the back off her head a pink dress with a yellow stripe in the middle and pink shoes! She actually wore shoes! Not the uncomfortable plasteroid bottom armor we got to wear as troopers all the time. We clones only knew about shoes because we saw the senators and jedi wear them.

"I have to say. They look even more comfortable to wear from up close then from afar" rang through my head as the woman walked even closer to me, after which a kaminoan doctor followed her in the room. Looking at the blonde woman with a displeased look.

"Madam, I really advise against this... this trooper is a known TRAITOR and highly dangerous... " the kaminoan protested, making me back into the wall a bit. Whatever she came to do couldn't be good... "he belongs in clone jail with the other defectives..."

"Doctor...Nala-Se...was it right?" The woman asked with a deathly calm voice as she gave me a small reasurring smile, which made me cork a eyebrow while the Kaminoan nodded to confirm that was her name. "I am under orders from the woodvillages to take this boy along, so you can sing high or low but the boy comes with me.

With these words the woman looked at me with a small smile. "Unless... he doesn't wants to"

"C...come with you?" I dared to ask when the Kaminoan doctor high-tailed out off the room with her head in her neck, looking at the woman with widen eyes. Did she mean "come with her" in the way off "out off here and into the arms off freedom" or was she getting me out off here as in "to get killed by dooku or ventress?" Well, whichever one she meant with that i think everything is better then staying here and becoming those kaminoans ginnypig.

"Yes... before she went on her next mission, Assaij Ventress sought me out and told me all about you. Told me she wanted to reward you for your loyalty by at least making sure you wouldn't be killed, without count Dooku finding out about it since he was probably against the idea" the woman smiled as she came to sit next to me and gently removed her cloak, which she then drapped around my shoulders. Making me shudder at the sudden warmth. "I think she was trying to hide she has a hearth and had actually taken a shine to you"

"Ventress had a hearth? Well.. seems wonders never seized to exist" i deathpanned as i gently wrapped the coat a little tighter around me because i fell cold... so incredibly cold...

The woman also seemed to have noticed, because she suddenly scooted a little closer to me and wrapped a arm around me. Making me look up at her quite suprised..  what was her game? No one had ever sat this close to me before... not without the intention to hurt me...

"Your cold huh?" The woman asked, looking me over with a worried look. I nodded to confirm this... yes i was very cold. But it was very good possible part off that came from the fact that my stomach was completely empty... i had refused to eat for two and a half week now.

As if she had read my mind ((and it is very good possible she had read my mind, it was said among many clones and civillians alike woodvillagers had psychic abillities)) she took a small package out off her bag and placed it in my lap before she unfolding it. Revealing the package contained several slices off bread with all kinds off things on them. BREAD! All off us clones ever got was grain based gruel which tasted awfull. I had only heard normal humans ate bread, meat, cheese cerials, fruits, patatoes and sweets if you were really good. This was the first time i saw actual slices off bread in person!

"Go on sweetie, you look like you didn't had a propper meal in some time" the woman smiled kindly as she placed one off the slices in my hand and closed my hand around it. Oo how right she was! Even do i had done it fearing vengefull brothers had poisoned my meals... i indeed hadn't eaten for some time...

Hungrily i picked up one off the breads before i thought occured to me. "What if brothers send her she poisoned the bread?" Making I carefully and invisibly sniffed the bread for traces off poison, but i smelled nothing off the sort. Satisfied by this i took a bite. My eyes widened when i realized it tasted amazing.

"I'm glad you like it" the woman smiled, stroking the back off my head with a tender look on her face as i hungrily ate all four slices off bread that were in the package before i licked off my fingers.

"Thank you miss..." i yawned as i said this. With my stomach full the lack off sleep that had automaticly come with the hunger started to come up as well now. Lazily I wrapped the coat around me ad tightly as i could and forced myself to stay awake. Who knew what she would do to me if i were to fall asleep now...

"Edwina dear...  call me Edwina" Edwina smiled as she scooped me up and gently placed me sideways in her lap and gently rocked me back and forth, making me yawn even more because the rocking motion made it even harder for me to fight the sleep. "Or mom.. if you like... but that is your choice"

"Mom... " i repeated with a drowzee look, nodding my head once before i looked up shocked, realizing something. "But... we don't have any parents... were just clones..."

"I know... but adoptive parents are referred to as "mom" and "dad" as well by their childeren somethimes" Edwina explained smiling little as she wrapped a second coat around that made me warm up from head to toe, yet also made it very hard for me to stay awake. "And my husband and i wanted to adopt you"

"A...Adopt..?" I asked yawning more, the more i tried to resist the sleep the harder it got for me to not fall asleep.

"Yes, that means your gonna live with us from now on, you'll be washed and cared about... will get a propper education and will never have to suffer from hunger ever again" Edwina smiled, stroking my cheeck gently before she placed a kiss on my forehead that made my whole body feel warm. "Your free now deary... it's all over now"

"Free..." i mumbled, closing my eyes and relaxing my mind now. Seems those kaminoan slavers weren't gonna be able to cut me open after all... i was gonna be able to get the home, love, care and above all freedom i always wanted to have... I truly were a free man now...


and with that i end the chapter! I hope you all liked it!


Edwina hearing from ventress about Slick and his "predictament" came to mind when i was chatting with my best friends in real life about this story because i was wondering "how did Edwina know about Slick if there was such a "hush up" around Slicks betrayel?" I hope you all liked the result.


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