You are fishing...right?

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Main ships : Traveller (they/them) x Xiao / Traveller x Albedo
Tags : AU / Xiao x Traveller x Albedo / fishing

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" Oh shit! We don't have grilled fish!.....or Woodland dream either!"

The Traveller exclaimed while getting ready to teleport to a weekly boss.

"Well...let's fish then." Xiao said and chanced a glance at Albedo. The two boys loved hearing Traveller while they were fishing.... And they were not the only ones.

Traveller, unknowing to their intentions, nodded their head and got their equipment ready for fishing.



Xiao and Albedo were having a really good time standing behind Traveller

"Why do they do that..?" Xiao whispered.

Albedo, who was busying himself with a drawing of Traveller, replied with a small shrug. "I'm not complaining, though."

Xiao chuckled which sounded more or less like a scoff.

"Alright...I'm done!" Traveller called. When they turned around, they were surprised to see two clearly flustered boys. "Uhh...guys?"

Xiao and Albedo smirked at each other before looking at Traveller. Traveller realised what must have happened and their face started getting red.


Xiao put one finger on their lips to silence them and shook his head. He knelt down and put them on his shoulder while giving Albedo a knowing look. After a futile struggle to get down, Traveller realised it's not gonna work.

They sighed. It's gonna be a long night....

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