DIY Candles

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Hi guys, Lily here 😄

I'm here with some handmade candles which look absolutely amazing. I hope you like it.

Things you will need :



3.Candle Wick

4.Crayons (Optional)

5.Glass jar

6.Fragrance (Optional)

7.Glitter (Optional)

8.Ribbon (Optional)

9. Popsicle sticks or skewers

Steps :

1.Take a glass jar.

2.Place the wick in the glass jar.

3.Add the wax in the pot on the stove. Allow it to melt. Stir in between.

4.You can break and add a crayon, if you want your candle to be colorful, in the melted wax.

5.You can also add fragrance, if you want to make your candle scented, in the melted wax.

6.Now, very carefully, pour the wax into the jar. Make sure you do not get burnt. Take help from someone else if needed.

7.Use skewers or popsicle sticks to keep the wick in place while pouring the hot wax.

8.Let the wax cool completely.

9.Trim the wick down to size. It could be half an inch more. It depends on you.

10.Sprinkle glitter over the top if you want.

11.You can also tie a ribbon over the mouth of the jar.

And your candle is ready! I hope you like it and find it helpful!

"Believe you can and you're halfway there."

- Lily


[The credit of this picture goes to Google.]

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