Chapter 2

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"Dear diary!

I just finished reading the last chapter of my recent book and It was so good. It was about true love and adventures. I wish I could find that one day, but the Witch is keeping me from even meeting the Kingdoms people. That s**k"

So I am princess Aerial as you probably have heard. I am the Princess from the Kingdom Domstraive and I'm living with my stepmom, the Queen from the Kingdom Domstraive or should I call her Witch of The Black Magic Creatures. Or for short the Witch.

- My Princess, my personal assistant Mei said.

- Yes Mei? I asked with a soft voice.

- The Queen wished to see you down in the great hall, she said.

- And why that? I asked, looking at her knowing that it wasn't something good.

- You have guests from the north, she said and looked at me with a look on her face.

You probably don't know that the Queen wants to marry me away so that she can have the Kingdom to herself. She doesn't want me to take over the kingdom when I turn 16 in 3 month. In our Kingdom if there isn't a King but a Queen, the Queen can rule until the oldest blood related children to the king turn 16 and then takes over the throne even if he or she isn't married. That's what I have been waiting for, to get her away from MY kingdom and then realice my father from the necklace he's captured in.

I slowly walk down to the great hall but I stop behind the last corner to see who they were before going down. It was a very young looking King with two boys that I guess was his sons, the Princes. The Queen saw me and called me down.

- Ahh my dear, come on down to meet our guests, she said and smiled at me.

I slowly walked down the stairs and went beside the Queen.

- I'm sorry you had to wait, I said and looked down to the floor and back up at the Queen.

- You don't have to say sorry my Princess, The King said and smiled at me.

- Not to be rude but, I never got your names, your Majesty, I said.

- Ohh how could we forget, the Queen said and grabbed my shoulder gently.

- This is King Richard from the Northern Kingdom Bandolf and his two sons Prince Edward and Prince Levi from the Northern Kingdom Bandolf, the Queen said as I smiled at the two Princes.

- It's a pleasure to meet you Princess, Prince Edward said and smiled at me.

- Please just call me Aerial, I said, smiling back at him.

- As you wish Aerial, he said and turned to his dad.

- So dad, what are we doing here? he asked.

- Ohh you Prince Edward will be marrying my dear daughter, the Queen said and patted my shoulder. I just smiled a little because I knew that she was gonna marry him even if I didn't want to.

- Why don't i get to marry her? Prince Levi whispered to King Richard.

- Edward is older and Princess Ariel needs a gentleman. He said quietly. Prince Levi looked at me and just smiled with a fated smile.

- Is there anything else you wanted me for? I asked and looked at her.

- Well wouldn't you want to go and spend some time with your soon to be husband, my dear? she asked and smiled at Prince Edward.

- If it's okay with Aerial then I'm down for it, Prince Edward said while making eye contact with me. I quickly break eye contact and say.

- Yeah, sure, sounds lovely, I said and smiled at him but after a while I looked at Prince Levi who was looking at me. I smiled at him and we made eye contact. The Queen noticed and fastly said,

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