Tercera Reserección, El Devorador de Mundos

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile Across Japan.

The Battle between All for One and All Might was already underway. The two titans of power fighting in what was left of an abandoned warehouse building that the heroes had conducted a raid on hours prior. Thanks to the efforts of Momo putting a tracker into Kurogiri's mist cloud, when he vanished with Ragdoll they were able to track the villains to the nomu creation facility. Each blow that the two titans of power throw at each other send debris, people and heroes flying as the entire block of the street is evaporated from the sheer force of the blows. The faceless villain dressed in a suit floated as if he was a hanged man in the center of the air looking down at his foe. All Might stood in a fighter's stance with blood dripping from his mouth from the force of the attack.

"You've come to kill me again, All Might. You should have finished the job last time instead of leaving me to die. Would have saved you the trouble and from my revenge." All for One gloats as his arm starts to congeal into this gigantic amorphous mass of razor sharp rivets, screws, metal and other disgusting materials. All Might doesn't respond and just wipes the blood from his mouth seeing the villain lord create this combination of quirks.

As the two titans of power clash fists once again, above them a descorerre is cut out of thin air erasing the stars from the heavens as it blocks out the night sky. Out of the darkness the twin bruning eyes of the dragon Espada appear as the beast comes flying out at breakneck speeds. The Espada blindsides All for One body slamming the villain hard into the remnants of a steel column that had been destroyed during All for One's main appearance. As the arch villain recovers from the blow, the espada uses a sonido to teleport to the side of All Might. The 8ft tall dragonoid human says nothing as it lumbers over All Might and instead draws his twin katanas. A shorter swordbreaker style Wakizashi with spades along the spine and a long serrated Katana appearing to be forged from dragon's teeth. Across the field of battle the arch villain groans as he coughs up blood into his respirator and stumbles to his feet. The force of the impact with the espada near split him in half like a bullet through paper. Blood trickled from the gash on the abomination of an arm as the bones had been shattered from the force of the strike.

"So. The Espada has arrived. Pleasant to make your acquaintance my boy." All for One says in a gloating manner as his gargantuan grotesque arm begins to twitch supernaturally and heal after the attack. "Come to take a final stand next to your pathetic master. How quaint, but you were only an experiment. Only a prototype to my goals of Immortality and a failed one at that. Though I'm impressed, once I kill All Might. I'll be taking your quirk for myself. And with the powers of The Espada. I will be Immortal and No one can stop me." Cackling as he monologues through his evil speech All for One raises his hands up to form a mocking image of Nana Shimura's exaggerated smile.

"All you spew is lies and there is no afterlife for you. You will die and I will consume your soul." Extending his skeletal hand and pressing his middle and index fingers together a sickly green orb of energy begins to form at the top of his fingers.

"Fool. When I created your powers I created them with my own in mind. If you were to kill me youd become what you sought to destroy. Hollows by nature absorb and get stronger learning the techniques and abilities of those that they have killed. You kill me, you'll just replace me as the next All for One." With a voice riddled with malice All for One declares this to the heavens.

"Fuck off and Die. Dirty hero killer." The Espada responds before firing the volleyball sized Cero.

The beam of concentrated Reishi careens through the air and flies directly at All for One. The Arch villain not even bothering to get out of the way but instead sticks his hand up attempting to catch the blast with a single hand. However he had woefully underestimated the Espada as the beam slams into his hand, the heat from the blast almost instantly begins to incinerate his flesh. Realising this in a split second the Arch Villain uses an all too familiar technique to get close and attack Izuku. Using the tendrils created from his own quirk to form a new arm as well as redematary sword and slashes it at the Espada. Managing to counter, Izuku catches the tendril like sword appendage protruding from the fake arm in the teeth of the sword breaker.

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