Once Upon A Time

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Once Upon A Time, you and I were Children

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Once Upon A Time, you and I were Children. I used to watch you from my house because I was too afraid to talk to you. I thought I would say the wrong thing or do something weird. We haven't met before but I love you to the moon.

••• •••

I going to Akademi, I'm a first year and got in to Akademi! The real Akademi, my Dad couldn't be more proud I got into an ellet high school. My step mom said we had to celebrate; so we went out and get a cake and my brother ended up bringing a dog home... he somehow swayed our grandma into getting him a large herding dog, he then asked why we have a cake like the dog in his arm is less questionable.

Anyway, that was the first day that I found out I got into one of Japan's most protegus high schools!

"Elliot! Wake up!" I called from downstairs, rolling my eyes at my step mother's scolding when she told me how much he needs sleep. Insomnia, bad insomnia; so he gets to sleep in whenever he wants. It's easy to wake him up though, just simply exist in his room and he's up.

I heard footsteps upstairs going too my brother and I's bathroom followed by excitable claw clicks on the floor. He was awake and so was Macaroni by the sounds of it!

"I hate you Y/N!" He called from upstairs, I snicker in response before going back to my breakfast. Dad shook his head in disapproval before being absorbed back into his work phone. Elliot finally met us at the kitchen where mom handed him his meds and then prepared a plate of food. I almost gagged when he took his medication without water.

"Eel, where's Macaroni?" I asked, he shrugged his arms and pointed in the backyard and the living room.

"One of those rooms I assume." He said briefly and a yawn soon followed. Clearing his throat he took a deep breath in, "buddy! Come here dude!" He exclaimed, he wasn't shouting, just talking loudly. Macaroni poked his head through the living room entrance and Elliot patted his lap making macaroni charge in. "Good boy bud!" He said scratching Macaroni before getting up to prepare his dog food.

Rolling my eyes I finished my food and got up too the door. "Goodbye, my lovely brother! Bye dad, bye Maya!" I said before crouching down and waving my goodbyes too macaroni: who didn't seem too care I was leaving since I'm not his favorite person. I laughed and went too walk too my new school.

••• •••

I sighed when I finally got too akademi. It was a very long walk and I'm not exactly the most athletic, I've never had too walk so far from home too school. I looked around at the students and saw a boy who was talking to an orange haired male near a bush. "Taro, I'm completely hopeless, I'm just never going too have a girlfriend." The boy with long hair complained with a shrug.

"Don't talk like that Osano, you'll jinx it." 'Taro' smiled, giving a laugh at 'Osano's annoyed expression, crossing his arms the orange haired male huffed before snickering slightly. "Well, guess I better go knock on wood than." He said exiting the conversation.

At his exit I decided it was time for me too jump in and ask for directions."Hi, I'm new here and was wondering if you knew where the headmasters office is?" I asked, "I have too get my P.E. uniform, locker and schedule." I finished. He nodded his head and smiled.

"Yeah of course, follow me, it's on the third floor." He said as he motioned for me too follow him, "Anyways, I am Taro Yamada and you?" He asked as we went inside the school,

"Oh, my name is Y/N L/N, but please call me Y/N" I said and smiled when he nodded and laughed.

"Well excuse me if this is weird but my friend is having girl troubles, 'I'll be forever alone' 'taro help.' bla bla, you know? And since you're new and a girl we could have lunch together and you two could meet." he ranted with a smile before it quickly vanished and he had a slightly panicked expression: "Not too set you two up! No, It's just he doesn't have many friends other than me and Rybaru and she has martial arts and I don't think I can handle him alone much longer." he quickly explained with a defeated expression. Laughing I nodded.

"I'd love too meet him! Was he the guy with orange hair you were talking too earlier?" I asked, he nodded before brightening back up again, "Oh! I'd love to!" I smiled huffing at taros slowly walking up the stairs. "How does one walk so slow?" I asked, earning an awkward smile.

"I'm just safer than sorry, y'know?" he said, "-But i have too warn you, Osano, he uh, isn't the best with girls. He tends too try and be overly cool and not in the 'Watch what I can do' more in the 'I'm going too do something nice and then insult you.' kind of way?" he explained with a nervous smile.

"he gets better once you get too know him though, it only happens sometimes or with girls he thinks are pretty so I don't really know." He finished as we got too the headmasters office. Waving goodbye we part ways and I walk in too meet the headmaster.

The END! Sorry chapter 1 is short, but I'd also like to mention I kind of lost interest in my info-kun X reader, well not really I just forgot it existed, Haven't seen any yandere sim stuff in a while so my brain just forgot about it. sorry about short chapter also Elliot is a gender bent version of me deal with it till its not like he's going to be important. well They, its just me if I was born with a dick so be prepared for him to come out as none binary soon, and macaroni is my dog with a different name lol Hi, I'm Ellis! I came up with it myself and stuff

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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