Chapter 7

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***Where is she going, thought Draco.***

Draco shook his head to clear any thoughts of Hermione and her whereabouts. It merely wasn't any of his business. Draco walked over to Hermione's desk, grabbed the files and the returned to his own desk. By the looks of the stack's height, he had at least 2 hours worth of paperwork and debriefing to do.

After an hour of paperwork, Draco headed to the main conference room in the Auror Department. He had been the last one to enter and as he walked towards his seat he felt the eyes of a certain Ron Weasley trailing his every movement. Sitting down, he caught Harry's eye and gave the man a short nod of the head.

"Alright, let's begin," said Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebot. Before another word was spoken, the meeting was interrupted.

"Oi, Malfoy," said Ron. "Where's Hermione?"

Draco, caught off guard, choked on his water. Once he was re-situated, Draco cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Hermione left me with the files to do the debriefing. She left about an hour ago."

"Where did she go?" asked Ron, but Draco was to busy looking at Potter to realize he was being addressed. Harry's brow was furrowed and a frown graced his lips. Draco was confused, curious too, but mostly confused.

What could be so odd about Hermione leaving early that it's got Potter in a funk, thought Draco. Realizing his name was being called, Draco looked up to his addresser.

"Yes Weasley?"

"I said, where did she say she was going?" spat Ron.

Draco let out a deep sigh. Leave it to Ron to be git.

"She said she had some errands to run."

"You sure that's it?" pressed Ron.

"Yes I'm sure." replied Draco evenly.

After an hour, the meeting concluded and everyone filed out of the conference room.Everyone except a certain dark haired man. Draco noticed Harry hadn't left his seat and his face was still screwed up in thought. Deciding it wasn't his business, Draco stood to leave the large room himself, but stopped when his name was called.

Turning around, Draco was meet face to face with his once arch enemy. Before he could defend himself and say anything, Harry put up a hand.

"I believe you. That Hermione said she was going to run errands. She's used that excuse before," said Harry.

Now Draco was thoroughly confused. Excuse? What?

"She's up to something. I don't know what, but I have my suspicions," breathed Harry. "I just hope she's not back to what it was last time."

If anyone could grow further confused, it was Draco Malfoy at that moment. He needed answers.

"Potter, er, I'm not sure this is my business."

"I think it is now Malfoy."

Great, thought Draco. Cryptic messages.

"Uh, alright then. Care to explain what's going on. Or at least what you think is going on?" said Draco.

"Sure, but not here. And it's getting late," said Harry. "How about we go out for drinks tomorrow night?"

"Sure," replied Draco.

"Alright. Well I'll see you tomorrow Malfoy," said Harry as he walked past Draco and out of the door.

Draco was beyond confused as he walked in to his bedroom at the Manor. Tomorrow would definitely be interesting. Not only had he agreed to drinks with Potter, it was about Hermione, and he'd have to spend the whole day with her before he got any answers.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

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