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"Old King Jaehaerys Targaryen and Good Queen Alysanne's peaceful reign has ended, and the question of succession is uncertain. The houses of Westeros stir into action, each seeking a place on the Iron Throne..."

Hi! This is my first ever apply fic so please bear with me because this is a new thing for me. So I was kinda inspired by EstelElfstone's Merlin apply fic, One of Us is Lying, to write this as a more interactive story, including roleplaying. Because of this, you can't just commit to writing a character form and occasionally reading. You'll need to keep updated, watch out for PMs about your character from me and make decisions on their behalf. I'll post the full rules in the next chapter.

So this is based off the Game of Thrones BOOKS. I haven't watched the TV series yet so no spoilers please. You're not required to have read the full book series or watched the TV series to apply, this is set before the books so there won't be any spoilers :)

Each person will fill a role as either a noble of a house or a servant of that house (more details on these roles on the next chapter). You might be loyal to the Targaryens, or perhaps you crave power yourself. You (secretly) will either be working for or against the Targaryens, and perhaps for or against yours, or another house. You will speak to others and roleplay through discord. You don't have to have roleplayed before, I'll explain if you're accepted. Through these roleplays, you will forge your own path in this book. Fate is not yet decided. It's up to you...

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