Wednesday, February 12th

373 13 2

4 days til my party!



I was practicing my dance moves for about 2 hours.

Right now.... I need to take a....... quick nap.......

z  z z z z z z  z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z


Hey! That was NOT me.

It was Brianna!

LOL :)

She snorts wierd.

Now...... time.......... for........... my......................... nap.............

*5 hours later*

OMG!! I was really tired.

It is 9:00..................

But................ I................. still............................ need.................... to................... rest..................... for............................... my ................................................... party............................ on ................... Saturday................................ even............... though................ it.................  is......................    a......................... few.................... days........................... later..................................

z z z z  zz  z z z z z z z z z z z z zz z z z z z z zz z  z zz  z z z zz z z z  z zz z 

Tales from a NOT-SO Dorky Drama QueenWhere stories live. Discover now