Chapter 1

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Hey guys its strawberry5 I thought of this story and wanted to see how it would work out. Ideas and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism are welcome with open arms tell me what you think I look forward to reading them.


Chapter 1

I was walking in the crowded hallway of Shapiro High with so many students  I was pushed every ten seconds with my head down trying to read the last pages of Romeo and Juliet.  We had to do for homework and get to class when I bumped into something... well more like someone. Just as I was going to hit the ground waiting for the fall a masculine arm shot out and wrapped around my waist and hoisted me up until I was balanced. I was stable but he still kept his arm around my waist.

I barely talk to people that aren't my friends so being in this situation, which I have never encountered before I look up to see who saved me from falling. Only to see that it is the guy I have liked since I was in 7th grade. His name is Alexander he has green eyes that pierce through you as if you were transparent. He is 16 years old like me but his torso was sculpted by a god and to finish off with that package he is 6'1 which towers over 5’8.

I guess I was staring to long because he has frantically waving his hand in my face. I swatted it away and glared at him, which I never did before. It amused him in some type of way much to my dismay because he smirked at me

"Take a picture it might last longer…. Valentina" He said.

"Whatever, can you please move out of my way because.... I am ten minutes late to class?” I said. I wanted to say that as a statement but it came out more as a question I should see a doctor for that.

If you haven’t notice my name is Valentina I’m an average girl. The only differences there are between me and the other female population in this school is my grey eyes, and I’m kind of a loner but I have friends. So I am not totally isolated. You can think of me as the shy book worm. Last but not least I am innocent and a virgin which has been taken from every girl in this school

He looked me up and down and nodding and licking his lips. His eyes got a little darker too I think that was lust. Which I think was a sign that he liked what he saw? I wouldn’t know because I stop trying a long time ago. They are just too complicated for me to understand.

“I don’t think I want to move.” He said

He stepped closer to me and I instantly took a step back and guess where I was on a wall and I began to panic. I have read too many stories where this will end up. So I tried to be strong and stand as if I was not going to die of a heart attack. He smiled at the position I was in and brought his mouth to my ear. I felt his breath on my neck and ear and suppressed the shiver that wanted to rise.

I swear if I didn’t like him my body wouldn’t react to him like this ‘No, you would still react like this.’ The voice said

“Baby.” He whispered

With that he walked away into the classroom, I stared at the place he was just standing. Then I was pulled into my classroom by my best friend autumn. We sat down in our seats which were in the front. The teacher didn’t say anything to me because he always sees me reading and not doing any explicit things in school like the others. He started his lesson on literature. I was half listening to him and remembering what happened 3 minutes ago.

“Hey, why are you smiling?” Autumn nudged me.

“I was smiling? Well I didn’t notice.” I said.

“You only smile like that when you see ….Alexander.” she whispered the last part.

“I did see him.” I said with a smile.

“So tell me what happened.”

I told her how I bumped into him by accident and when I was about to fall he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me up. Then when I asked him can he move when he declined and last but not least he said Baby. I left the part out where he liked his lips and his eyes got darker. I think she would have been over excited to hear that.

“After class come meet me at our secret place I want to talk about this a little bit more missy.” She said


The bell rang signaling us to get to our next class. I have a free period and so does autumn. I was walking to our secret place taking the shortcut when I felt someone following me I hugged my books closer to my chest. I turned around too see no one there. Freaky.

I was sitting on the bench me and autumn first met.


I was on the bench reading my book when I it was grabbed from my hands and the only one to bother me is a girl named Missy. She liked me before I out did her in something she knew she couldn’t win which was art. We had to do a butterfly and she did too circle and a leaf. When I did something that looked like a tribal fairy but I looked most like a butterfly. After she took the book out of my hand she started to look through it.

“Did you get this from the library? It’s such a shame that it’s going to be ripped.” Missy said.

“Give her the book. You self-conceited lack of a human, rejected Barbie doll sample.” A girl said.

“And you are?” Missy said

“I am Autumn. I would ask your name but it doesn’t matter what your name is.” She said

With that Missy huffed and walked away.

Autumn picked up my book and handed it over to me.

“What’s your name?” she asked

“My name is Valentina”

“How would you like to become friends? “she said

“sure” I said


Autumn sat down next to me and nudged me cutting me out of my thoughts.

“Do you think he knows that you like him?” Autumn said

“I don’t think so but then again he is one of the best to hide his feelings.” I said

“Yeah that is true, you know he is still looking for the girl that is still a virgin?” she said


“And you know that if he finds out you’re a virgin. You’re not going to be able to say no?”

“I’ll be able to say no.” I said

’50% of a chanced that’s going to happen’

Valentina and Autumn did not know who was following them and listening to their conversation.

Unknown POV

“A virgin let’s see how my buddy feels about taking another person’s virginity.” He said to himself.

How do you feel about this chapter? Does anyone like Alexander and or Autumn? Tell me your thoughts.

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this link shows you what Valentina looks like

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