1: Meeting

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I shift gears as I chase my target through the London streets. He swerves unexpectedly, making a sharp turn but I manage to turn to continue chasing him. Suddenly, another car hits mine and I go spinning across the road into another car. When I manage to focus on my surroundings I notice that my car is upside down. I unclip my belt and land on the roof of my car. I groan in pain as I turn to crawl out of my smashed window. I wince at the movement and shut my eyes tight and take a deep breath. "Are you ok?" a man asks as he kneels down by my window. I nod in answer and begin to crawl again but the pain gets worse and I wince. "Don't move. I'll get you out" he says as he reaches in to grab my arm. He begins to pull me out and I wince as he does. "Relax" he says gently as he pulls me out almost effortlessly.

I notice my target making a run for it and I try to get up myself. The English man stops me, "Don't move" he orders. "No, I can't let him get away" I say as I watch my target run down the street. He turns and notices the man running, he looks back at me and says "I got him". I look at him confused before he lowers me to the floor gently and runs after my target. "Wait!" I shout after him. My target is armed, I can't let an innocent civilian run after him. I pull myself to my feet, ignoring the pain it causes and I run after him as fast as I can.

I round a corner to see the English man and my target fighting. The man is defending himself very well against the target and I begin to realise he isn't an innocent civilian, he clearly has training. I grab a metal pole from the ground and run up behind the target and hit him over the head. He falls to the ground and I sigh in relief. I bend down to my target and take a flash drive out of his pocket and put it into my own before standing straight. The English man looks at me shocked to see me standing. I clutch my torso in pain as I bend over slightly, he rushes forward and I grab his arm for support. "It's ok, I'll get you to a hospital" he says as he holds me up. I shake my head, "No, I can't go to a hospital" I say straight away as I try and walk away from him but struggle. "Ok, ok" he says as he reaches forward to support me again which I accept. "I can help you myself" he suggests. I look up at him hesitantly and he nods at me reassuringly. I nod in agreement and he wraps an arm around my waist to begin leading me in the right direction. I take a step and feel a rush of pain through my abdomen and throbbing in my head. I lean forward to reduce the pain and clutch my head in pain. When I pull my hand away I see blood covering my hand, I must've hit my head during the crash. Before I know it he's hooked his other arm under my knees and has lifted me off the ground. I wrap my arm around his shoulders and relax into him. "I got you" he says before I pass out.

I wake up with a groan as I feel the throbbing in my head, it isn't as intense as it was before but it still hurts like hell. I open my eyes slowly and realise I'm on a sofa. I let out another groan as I start to move. "Hey, take it easy" the English man says as he sits on the edge of the sofa. I relax instantly for some reason. "You're ok, you have a concussion and a few broken ribs but you're gonna be fine" he explains as he checks the small bandages he's put on my head. "So are you gonna tell me your name?" he asks with a smile. I chuckle but stop soon because of the pain it causes in my abdomen. "Sorry" he says with a laugh. "It's ok. I'm Danielle" I smile at him. "Deckard" he responds, returning my smile. "Thank you Deckard. I owe you" I thank him. "It's ok" he answers. "You should really take it easy for the next couple of days, let your ribs heal" he adds. I nod and lean back into the cushions behind my head. "You're more than welcome to stay here" he says. "Where is here?" I ask. "It's my London safe house" he answers.

I stay in Deck's safe house for the next week as my ribs heal enough for me to leave and go home. I'm sleeping on the sofa when I feel Deck sit beside me and move some of my hair from my face, he gets up and then covers me with a blanket. I've learned a lot about him over the past week, I learned that he was trained at MI6 which explains how he fought my target so well. We learned a lot about each other, we've become really close friends.

I walk to the door of his safe house and open it. I turn around to Deck with a smile, "Thank you" I say before I hug him. He hugs me back gently so he doesn't hurt me. "If you need anything just give me a call, ok?" he says and I nod in return. We exchanged numbers during the week so that I could contact him while he was out. "Bye Deck" I say before leaving. I know that I'll see him again, I want to.

Deckard Shaw Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora