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JJ stood in the crowded hall of First Flight High School. A first for him. He hardly showed up to school.

It still baffled John B, his best friend, that he is still able to pass classes.

"Dude," said John B. "Are you coming to class today or are you bailing again?". But JJ's attention wasn't on his friend, it was on Alexa Rivera.

John B quickly took note of his buddy's lack of attention. "J," he says, quickly swatting JJ on the arm.

"Huh?" says JJ, snapping his head towards John B. "You're doing it again."

"Doing what, again?" JJ asks. "Staring at Alexa and her new boyfriend," said John B. JJ heard him, but didn't bother to respond because he saw Alexa whisper something to her new boyfriend.

"Shit I think they're walking over," JJ says. "Act cool."

John B gives JJ a weird look and looks down.

"Hey JJ," Alexa says as she walks up to the two boys, tightly hugging three books to her chest. "How's it going?"

JJ looks up, trying to look as nonchalant as possible. "It's good," he says rather dryly. "That's good," Alexa says.

"Have you met my new boyfriend yet, Cole?" Alexa asks, looking up at the 6-foot guy standing next to her.

"Um, no actually. Wouldn't want to meet this dickbag anyway," said JJ. "Hey man, don't be pissed cause I took your girl," said Cole.

Alexa giggled as she says "So, JJ, find anyone yet?". JJ's mouth opened without words coming out. "Yes, actually. Dating this super hot girl."

"Oh really? Who?" asked Alexa. "That would be none of your business," said JJ. "Well I'm happy for you," said Alexa, with a clearly forced smile.

"Maybe we can double date sometime?" she asks. "Mm, yeah no. I don't think so," said JJ. "Well you can't say I didn't try," said Alexa, turning on her heel with Cole's arm around her waist.

"How the hell are you going to dig yourself out of this one?" asks John B. "Cmon dude, I'll figure it out, I always do," JJ replies, looking around.

"Whatever you say. You have a lot of time to think since you never come to school anyways," said John B.

"Going to math class, you coming?"

"Yeah right. Later." JJ says as he heads for the door.


All day JJ was pondering on what to do about his whole situation. How was he going to dig himself out of this one? He wasn't wrong when he said he always figures it out, but this one was tough.

How is he going to find this super hot chick to walk around school with and act like she is his new girlfriend? That's practically impossible because girls hate being used.

He scrambled to find his yearbook in his messy room. He knocked over beer cans, cigar packs until he finally found it under dirty clothes.

He looks through the pages. "Madison Carli Kelsy Brent...double no." he mutters as he looks through the pages.

His eyes stop on one picture. "Kiara Carrera..." he mutters. "That could work." he smiles, jumping out of bed.

He runs to the school to try to catch Kiara after class. He walks around the hallway after the final bell rings and looks for Kiara's little Kook clique.

He quickly spots a swarm of girls and runs over. "Kiara?" he says. Three girls look at him and step aside, revealing Kiara, standing in the middle of the circle.

"Yeah?" she says, looking up from her phone. "Can I talk to you, for a minute?" he asks. "Now?" she asks, smacking her gum.

"Mhm," he says, grabbing her by her hand and pulling her away from her friends. JJ leads them outside to the empty courtyard.

"JJ! What the hell?" said Kiara. JJ looks at the brunette. Her beachy waves, her lax look. Everything about her was perfect.

"I need like a huge favor. Like huge." said JJ. "Look if you need me to pay your jail bail it's no big—"

"—No! That's not it...this time." JJ says. "So like, I got myself into a big...lie," said JJ, gulping down his dignity, knowing how much Kiara hates lies.

"You lied? And you want my help?" Kiara exclaims. "Hey, you owe me," said JJ. Kiara sighed. "I guess so. What's this huge favor you need?" she asks.

"I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend." JJ blurts. Kiara laughs. "Really? That's it? I thought it was something bigger."

"Please, Kiara. I really need this." JJ pleads. "Fine, what's in it for me?" said Kiara. "I don't know, what do you want?"

"You need to be the best boyfriend ever," Kiara says. "I can do that."

"Starting with sharing your drinks with me." she smiles. JJ scoffed. "You drink?"

"Yeah, what do you think I do when I go to parties? My parents would kill me if I bought myself alcohol," said Kiara.

"Okay fine. But you can't tell anyone this," said JJ. "Does John B know?" "Well yeah, he was kinda there when it all happened."

"Well, then I should be able to tell someone." Kiara protests. "Fine." JJ sighs. "Who are you gonna tell? But they better not tell anyone squat."

"Sarah," Kiara says confidently. "My girl can keep secrets, don't you worry."

"Fine," said JJ. "So what's our backstory going to be? On how we got together?"

"I don't know," says Kiara. "Maybe we just found interest in each other? You know, like, pure love."

"Uh-huh," said JJ. "You better be the best boyfriend ever," said Kiara, slipping her hand into JJ's.

Will You Be Mine? - JIARA AUWhere stories live. Discover now