Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes One Shot)

Start from the beginning

Just before I arrived in front of his dressing room my phone rang. It was mum.

"Mum? Is everything alright?" I asked worriedly.

"Where are you! Bed empty! No note, no call, nothing! Your brother's gone again!" She shrieked. She's drunk again, I could tell.

"Mum, please. Not now. I told you I went to The Wanted's concert. I promise I'll get back as soon as I can. Jackson is most probably out with friends. Everything's fine," I sighed.

"No, everything's not fine. You disappear to see your big shot boyfriend! While I'm home alone!" She screamed, and I exhaled shakily. Please, not now. Don't let me have a mental breakdown before seeing Nathan.

"I'm sorry mum," I said hanging up. Pushing open the door I noticed it was empty. Nathan must still be getting changed and stuff.

I noticed a razor blade lying on the table, all by itself. I picked it up and noticed it was a little blunt, but still sharp enough to make a cut. I dragged it across my arm, letting the blood flow. I watched as I made two more small but deep cuts before dropping the blade. The deeper cuts stung like a bitch, but it distracted me from the real world I was in. I didn't notice when the door opened.

"Christine it's you! I've mis-Baby, what's going on?" He was confused. I quickly hid my arm behind my back and leant over and have him a small peck on the lips.

"Christine... What's going on? Why is your arm covered in blood?" He asked, gently tugging my left arm. He gasped when he saw the cuts.

"Baby... Why do you this to yourself? Is everything alright?" He asked softly. I pulled my arm and fought the tears springing to my eyes. His expression was heartbreaking. His lips pulled into a slight frown, you could see the confusion in his eyes and the concern which softened them. I didn't know how to answer him. I dropped my gaze.

"Christine? Please babe... Say something," he begged, placing a finger under my chin and forcing me to look at him.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. He pulled me into a crushing hug, laying his cheek against my head. The tears I had been holding back flowed out silently, staining his shirt.

"Why?" He asked. I knew he was referring to my cuts.

"D-Dad always goes on business trips. When he does, Jackson always goes out, and mum always drinks herself into oblivion. I come home from school to find her passed out on the floor. It's a whole load of bullshit I can't take. This is my one escape," I muttered into his shirt.

"Why didn't you tell me, babe? I could've helped you," he said, sitting on the couch and pulling me onto his lap. I shrugged.

"I didn't want to put anymore weight on your shoulders. I 'd rather face this alone," I told him. He pulled me in and pressed his lips against mine.

"Don't you ever say that. I'll always be here, wether you like it or not," he laughed, causing me to giggle.

"What about the days I'm sick of you?" I giggled. He put on a mock upset face and tilted his head.

"Too bad for you then," he laughed again. I smiled a little. He always managed to distract me.

"Thank you Nath," I whispered.

"No problem. It's my job as a loving boyfriend anyway. I'll be your hero standing strong, who'll protect you from any fight. And if your battles are piling on I will take them on with all my might," he sang. He knew I loved this song.

Left, left, left, right, left

Left, left, left, right, left

Tell me whats going on

I know theres something on your mind

Can you just open up?

Do you feel like i'm not, somebody trying to hurt you

Know i'd never let that happen, Must be out of thier minds

'Cause you are the sunshine that makes my day

And I won't let them take that away, Hey

I'll be your hero whose standing strong

Who will protect you from any fights

And if your battles are pilling on

I will take them on with all my might

Cry my tears on my shoulder

You dont know what the future holds

So I'll be your personal soldier

Left, left, left, right, left

Left, left, left, right, left

If life is a battlefield, And theres so many dangers

Just when you think its OK, It blows up in your face

And when this road gets harder

You think your lucks ran out

I will find a reserve to take it right back

To where you heart deserves

'Cause there is no way that I won't put you first

I'll be your hero whose standing strong

Who protects you from any fights

And if your battles are piling on

I will take them on with all my might

Cry your tears on my shoulder

You don't know what the future holds

So I'll be your personal soldier

I'll protect you, Girl dont worry

I'll be your hero whose standing strong

Who protects you from any fight

And if your battles are piling on

I will take them on with all my might

Cry your tears on my shoulder

You don't know what the future holds

So I'll be your personal soldier

Left, left, left, right, left

Left, left, left, right, left.

He really was my personal soldier.

Author's Note: Hey again! This is yet another one shot, dedicated to my friend Christine. Follow her on twitter @real_cris_sykes now! She's going through a tough time, and I'm trying my best to cheer her up. Christine, if you're reading this, I want you to know you're never alone. You have TW, us TWFanmily, and your friends. I will always be here to cheer you up. I will be here to cheer anyone up. If you wanna talk, you know where you can contact me. Christine, don't rely on methods like these. And know that no matter what, there will be people who care for you, so don't let anyone bring you down, alright? Thanks for reading! Peace out!


Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now