Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Good," I said before coughing up a small amount of blood. Of course when Rosie is happy, she becomes absolutely mortified when I cough up some blood. I mentally groaned out in annoyance as I know Rosie is going to freak out.

"Yeah you're not doing anything else. And don't think you're off the hook yet." She said threateningly. I just blinked at her and she sighed, "ugh, you know I can't stay mad at you for long. But we are still going to talk about your stupidity after we get out of here together, alive."

I didn't feel like responding because it'll probably make me cough more and I don't want to worry her anymore. Can I feel my body kind of shutting down? I mean a little, but I'll be fine.

Rosie was about to pick me up, or well try to, and I gently moved my hand on top of hers, halting her actions. She looked at me confused and I shook my head,

"Get the others first." I told her weakly, my throat burning as I spoke.

"But, you're the one in the most pain! They weren't tortured at all because my father was just focused on you!" I didn't care if they were the healthiest people alive, I wanted them free before me. Plus, if they are healthy, they can help everyone out with whatever Irene is planning.

"Please." I said to hopefully have her go to them quickly. The conflict in her eyes was intense, but she slowly nodded her head in defeat,

"Fine, but stay here." I just stared at her and realized how stupid she sounded telling me to stay here. Like I had the physical strength to do anything. She gave my forehead a kiss before grabbing a sword and gun. She gave me a quick glance before running out of the room and turning down the hall.

I just laid on the floor, listening as best I could to what was happening outside.

I heard Rosie's frantic footsteps disappear down the stone stairs. I heard multiple gunshots and loud yelling coming from all directions honestly. Then there was just my breathing, which was weak and uneven. None of it was helping my raging headache, but I can't do anything about it.

As time moved, I stayed still. Maybe moving my hand ever so slightly before wincing at the pain that shot through my body.

Footsteps soon came back into the room and before I knew it, I was getting dragged out of the room forcefully. I didn't have the energy to fight the person back, and I knew even if I had some, it wouldn't have done anything. By the muttering the person was doing, I could tell it was none other than Mr. Park himself.

After a small amount of time, he got his strength and threw my body against the wall; my head snapping back and hitting it. The already thumping that was happening in the back of my head became unbearable now. I screwed my eyes shut and then felt his hand yank my collar towards him, making me fall forward onto the floor, hard. I felt a small crack in my wrist and yelled in pain as something definitely broke in my left wrist. I heard my friends and lover shouting as they made their way up the stairs in a rush. I wanted so badly to yell at them to not come up here, but the hand that had now moved it's way up to my neck was preventing me.

I was gasping for air, clawing my hands weakly at his right hand. Every time I sharply breathed in to get air, my lungs felt on fire and it made the whole situation worse. He smirked at me because he knew I wouldn't be able to get out of this. The lack of air I was getting was becoming too much as my vision started to cave in a bit, darkening around the edges.

"Y/N!" Rosie screamed at the top of her lungs. My eyes went beyond Mr. Park's face and saw Rosie and everyone else sprinting towards me. Mr. Park knew they were coming and aimed his gun back behind him, shooting blindly.

Thankfully people knew he was going to do that and they all ducked, racing towards me again. Rosie was surprisingly the fastest one, even though she's also been hurt a lot.

High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin