Your mind was slow to bring you back to the present. It was even slower to give warning to Hizashi when he drove forwards after the light at an intersection turned green. All you could do was stare at the ginormous foot nearing his side of the car.

On impact, you blacked out. You weren't sure if your vision failed you in those moments or if it all happened too fast to comprehend, but when you were able to see again you were upside down. You could see the intersection that you had just pulled into, confirmed by the car behind you having been recently abandoned in the middle of it.

To your right, Hizashi was unconscious. He was hanging from his seat much like you were, except he had blood running from his head. Otherwise he looked relatively unharmed. You would have waited for help, but the panicked screams of the citizens around you informed you that this was no place to wait for assistance. Reaching over with an arm, you shook his shoulder to see if you could rouse him. You realized after a few tries that he wasn't waking up anytime soon.

Your hands felt heavy when your fingers fumbled for the button on your seatbelt. Your heart almost failed to work properly when the thought ran across your mind that it was jammed, but it soared when the button finally gave in to your relentless pushing. You were thankful for your wings protecting the flesh of your back from the shattered glass, but didn't rejoice in the fact that the shards would have to be picked out later. You took a few seconds to regain your composure before taking a deep breath and kicking the already cracked windshield once. You were frustrated that it didn't give on the first try so you continued until it did. Fortunately it broke the rest of the way when you kicked it for the fourth time.

You were thankful that you had broken the glass when you noticed the large pair of feet that sent the car flying approaching again. You could feel yourself beginning to panic when you whipped around to unbuckle your old teacher. His seatbelt was easier than yours oddly enough, even though he shared the side of the impact but you didn't question it. You took the brunt of the glass shards when you pushed yourself through the windshield, slowly pulling him out after you.

You scrambled to your feet once you and Hizashi were clear of the car, leaning over and grabbing his shoulder pads and dragging him to the sidewalk as fast as you possibly could. It was almost pointless when the large human stopped at the intersection you had been kicked from. The giant looked around like he was deciding on where to go, before grunting and running to the right.

You felt yourself break when you realized that it was heading straight for your new bar. The one that you were so close to reopening. Your reaction to the hero's approaching your side was visceral: shielding Hizashi by hovering your body over his and prepping your wings like you were about to attack. You softened when you realize who it was.

"Oh good. Can you take him? I need to go help the others."

"Present Mic?!" One said in shock while another started checking his vitals. "What happened?"

"Our car was kicked by that giant." You replied, looking over your shoulder in the direction it went. "Please make sure he's okay." When you turned around, the unfamiliar hero spoke up again.

"You should stay here, too. A civilian shouldn't try to go up against a criminal. Besides, you're hurt, too."

"I'm not a civilian." You replied as you opened your wings. "I know people who have fought with more than a cut on their forehead, so leave your concerns in my imaginary complaint box." Then you took off.

The wind in your face sobered you from the adrenaline that was rushing in you from the wreck. You were able to question what your plan was when you got to the giant in order to prevent him, but you didn't really have the time to process it when you noticed he was maybe twelve blocks away from your bar. You could feel yourself internally screaming when you pushed your wings as fast as you were able to. There had to be something that you could do before it all fell apart before your eyes once again. You couldn't let that happen. Not if your life depended on it.

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