The birth of Delaware

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The date is December 7, 1787 and we are all bored. Sam and Columbia was in the mood to make a country. The good ol U.S.A.   

Suddenly a baby was crying and they ran over to see who it is. It was baby boy and he was very tiny. He can only make goo goo-gaa gaa noises and sucks his thumb. "How cute." says Sam.

"What's his name?" asks Columbia. The baby began making a D noise and Sam and Columbia laughed. "We will call you Delaware!'' Sam and Columbia both said together. Delaware loved that idea and went with his new parents. 

Delaware grew up to become a great child for Sam and Columbia to care of. Delaware was also the 1st state into the Union. His favorite toy was the Pogo-stick and wants to say all state names in order. Here's some fun facts about him: 

Capital Dover

 Nickname The First State 

Population 990,837 

Abbreviation DE

Motto Liberty and Independence

Slogans: Endless Discoveries— Formerly: It's Good Being First

Song: Our Delaware

But then 5 days later a new state would be born and Delaware would be punching his neighbor to the North.

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