Encounter At The Diner

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"When are you meeting with that guy who came to the house?" Lizzy asked. She didn't need to ask that question. Her mom had spent way more time than usual in front of the mirror. Eileen glanced at her daughter with a somewhat disapproving eye as she pulled in front of Amy's Diner. "I'm glad you're meeting with that Damian guy, Mom. He's trying to find out what really happened that day dad died. That sheriff is hiding something. I know it! Besides, he's hot-looking, and I think he likes you." Blushing slightly, Eileen replied, "Yes, he is handsome. Suppose I can be helpful to his investiga-" Lizzy cut her off. "I gotta go, Mom. Danny's been waiting for over an hour. He keeps texting me every couple of minutes, wondering where I'm at." "Ok, sweetie. Please, call me when you're on your way home," Eileen said as Lizzy hopped out and headed for the entrance to the diner.

Eileen drove off and headed towards John Jankins' clubhouse on Lake Havasu. Driving past Parker Dam, she felt her heart pounding, and her mind began to race with anticipation. She called the state trooper on the premise that she might be able to provide more information. Damian agreed to meet with her on his next day off. Eileen suggested they meet at the clubhouse on Lake Havasu because the last thing she wanted was more questions from her nosy neighbors. John Jankins rarely used the lakeside retreat. When Eileen and Barry were married, she used the lakefront property as a getaway when they would have one of their epic fights. The secluded Spanish-style villa was the perfect place to 'get away from it all.'

Lizzy walked into Amy's diner and began searching for Danny. The place was right out of a sixty's teen movie. Staring at the black and white checkerboard floors always gave Lizzy a mild case of vertigo. It usually smelled like pot roast or cinnamon rolls, depending on the time of day. Today it was apple pie. Lizzy noticed Danny sitting in a booth in the back. "Ok, I get that it was urgent, but did you need to text me constantly?" Lizzy barked, her eyes narrowing. "Sorry, I had another dream last night. Nani was in it, and- "Lizzy cut Danny off as she gently touched his lips. She gave him a long, passionate kiss. "Wow! What's that for?" Danny said. "Just cause, I guess," Lizzy replied. "But you do need to keep your voice down, Danny. Remember what we talked about?"

"Ok. I want to hear about your dream. First, let's sit on the other side of the booth. I know you don't like having your back to the door, but sound travels in this place." Danny reluctantly agreed, but as they were changing seats, something caught Lizzy's eye. Two men were sitting at the end of the long counter that stretched nearly the entire length of the diner. The two were having a somewhat animated conversation. Alternately staring at Lizzy and Danny as they spoke. "In my dream, Nani said that there was a disturbance in the spirit world along the 'Great River.' "Great River?" Lizzy asked. "She was talking about the Colorado River," Danny replied. "You see, the river carved out a great, fertile valley over thousands of years. My ancestors lived there for generations. They considered the land sacred. Then, it was all flooded when they built Parker Dam."

Lizzy's eyebrows began to rise ever so slightly, "Danny, what does this have to do with helping my dad?" "Patience, my love, patience..." Danny replied as he gently gathered up Lizzy's hands. "My Nani said evil forces were summoned from the upheaval by the destruction of our sacred lands. She recommended we seek out someone named Yawaka. His actual name is Jack Willis. He's the great-grandson of a well-known Northern Paiute shaman. She said Yawaka might be able to help us figure out how to help your dad." "Where do we find this Yawaka?" Lizzy asked. Lizzy turned her attention back to the counter where the two men were sitting. One of them stood up and walked over to their booth. "Hang on for a minute Danny. Something's happening here."

"Hi! My name is Jessie Gutierrez. I'm a reporter for the Parker Pioneer." "I remember you, Mr. Gutierrez. You wrote that article in the Pioneer about all those freak accidents since my dad died." "Yep, that's me, and that's why I came over to introduce myself," Jessie replied. "You're Lizzy Jankins? Barry Jankins daughter, right? he asked. After a very long pause... "Ah, yes, I'm Barry Jankins' daughter. What's this all about, Mr. Gutierrez?" Lizzy asked. "Please, call me Jessie," Gutierrez replied. "Well. It's kind of a strange story, Miss Jankins. Since it's not my story, I think it should be told by the person it happened to." Jessie motioned for the other man at the counter to join them.

"Do you mind if we join you?" Jessie asked. Lizzy glanced at Danny, who shrugged. "Ok, sure," she replied. "None of this is going to be in the newspaper, is it?" she asked. "No. No, absolutely not!" Jessie reassured her. "It's nothing like that," he added. The man came over and introduced himself. "Hi, my name is Bud Granato." After the introductions were out of the way, Lizzy looked at Bud. "Ok. What is this story you need to tell me, Mr. Granato?" Bud's eyes quickly scanned the diner, then back at Lizzy. "Well... I had this bizarre dream," he said. "I mean, it was a real doozy. You know, one of those dreams where you know it's a dream, but at the same time, everything seems so real." Lizzy and Danny glanced at each other with a hint of trepidation. "I was in the desert. A guy was desperately trying to get my attention. He kept crying out for help." Bud's voice began to crack. Lizzy grabbed Danny's arm under the table. The more Bud spoke, the more Lizzy squeezed Danny's arm until he finally erupted, "Lizzy, stop! You're cutting off the circulation." That startled Bud, and he asked if he should continue. Danny nodded... Yes!

"Well. Every time I tried to get close to that poor guy, an ugly, smokey-looking creature would intervene. As a news reporter, I've seen some scary stuff, but nothing has ever frightened me as much as that creepy monster with its jagged teeth and fiery breath. I woke up in the middle of the night, soaked in sweat." Lizzy bent over and whispered something in Danny's ear. "The next morning, I was eating breakfast, and I read this article in USA Today. I noticed my old high school buddy Jessie Gutierrez was the journalist who wrote the story." "For Christ's sake, Bud, get to the good part already!" Jessie bellowed. "Ok... Ok... Jessie tells this story about how he stopped by an accident scene on the I-10 just a few miles from the Dome Rock Road exit - not long after your dad's accident." Jessie makes a motion to Bud to get to the point already.

"One of the victims talked about how his dad kept screaming that some 'invisible man' named Barry was trying to force them to drive off the road. Jessie thought this is strange since a guy named Barry was killed a few miles down the highway only a couple of days before that."

"As we were talking, I got this gnawing feeling in my gut. Thinking about the man in my dream, I asked Jessie if he had a picture of this Barry guy." Bud focused his eyes on Lizzy, "He pointed me to the memorial site you created. I saw the picture of your dad, Holy crap! I knew it instantly. It was the same guy I saw in my dream. It was your dad!" Sensing Lizzy was stunned and couldn't speak, Danny leaned over the table. He motioned for Bud to stop talking and said in almost a whisper, "We believe you, Mr. Granato! What you saw in your dream is what we experienced a few nights ago on the highway." Danny told the two men about the experience he and Lizzy had that night. How the two of them wanted to create a memorial at the spot Lizzy's dad crashed, the tunnel of bright light, and all that stuff.

When Danny finished, Jessie and Bud sat there stunned. Unable to conjure up the next right thing to stay, Bud looked at Lizzy as if to say, 'please say something!' Lizzy, picking up on this, spoke softly to avoid being overheard in the crowded diner. "Listen, guys! I don't know what all this means. I know that my dad, he's... he's in pain, and he needs my help. The terror in his eyes with that THING chasing him around. Well, it was horrible!" Lizzy's eyes began to well up when she suddenly steeled herself. "Look! I never believed in ghosts, but I know what I saw in the desert that night." She grasped Danny's hand, "Tell them about your dream Danny."

Danny told Jessie and Bud about his dream, what Nani said about the evil spirit, and the suggestion to find Yawaka. "We need to find Mr. Willis. Problem is, Nani didn't tell me where to look," Danny said. "We're reporters," Jessie said. "Finding people is what we do. Bud and I will do some research and get back to you." They exchanged phone numbers. Bud and Jessie got up, walked over to the cashier, paid their bill, and left the diner. As he got into Jessie's car, Bud had an overwhelming urge. 'Damn! I need a drink, and like right now!! God, if you do exist, please help me get through this for one more day,' he thought. Suddenly, he felt everything would be ok. "You ok, buddy?" Jessie asked. "Yeah, I think so," Bud replied.

Back in the diner, Lizzy turned to Danny, "I'm nervous about getting these strangers involved in our business Danny." "I hear what you're saying, Lizzy, but there has to be some explanation for what Bud saw in his dream. I mean. Maybe he's supposed to be here?" "Where do you think we'll find this Jack Willis person?" Lizzy asked. "I don't know, but I would bet he's somewhere out on the Rez near Lake Havasu," Danny replied.

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