Info on Havoc Squad

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That video is in the Old Republic.

And the image above is the logo of Havoc Squad.

So to start with the Old Republic happens around 25000 BBY(before the battle of Yavin), to make you the idea the first clone was made in the 32 BBY, and the Clone Wars started in the 22 BBY or at least it says, I'm basing myself with the dates with the wiki.

Why I'm saying this? Because Havoc Squad was made in the Old Republic a squad made to function behind enemy lines and in front lines, if needed with little to no support, they normally made the work of Jedis's taskforces would normally do, since they needed a quick action squad to protect zones they controlled since the Jedi couldn't act as quickly because of the massive amount territory they needed to protect.

Imagine them as Clone Comandos at their time. But they needed to handle more sith warriors at their time.

But seeing that this will be made in the Clone Wars... We'll see...


Let's meet the team for now. I have two guys. I want your opinions since I have a lot to think about this.


M1-4X is a highly advanced war droid designed and built specifically to serve in Havoc Squad

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M1-4X is a highly advanced war droid designed and built specifically to serve in Havoc Squad.

M1-4X's armour plating, weapons systems and processing power are significantly advanced over typical military droid standards, due in large part to his unusual power core. Constructed by an unknown group or organization, the core was recovered during a classified operation and has output capabilities far beyond conventional models. 


Even in an organization as diverse as the  Army, Yuun stands out

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Even in an organization as diverse as the Army, Yuun stands out. A member of the Gand species and hailing from the Gand homeworld, Yuun is a Findsman, a type of shamanistic tracker held in very high regard among his people. He applies his unusual training to technical tasks of every kind, resulting in a success record unmatched by any other technician in the military.

As effective as Yuun's methods are, they rarely meet with understanding or approval from his fellow soldiers. But despite his eccentricities, Yuun's fighting skill and calm approach to any challenge generally earn at least the grudging respect of the men and women he serves with.


I picked them because I enjoyed playing with them as companions in the SWTOR, I know I have to still pick some other characters, but I don't want them all from SWTOR so if you want to leave some opinions on who should join Havoc Squad let me know, such as OC's or other characters that you see fit for the spot.

Normally Havoc Squad missions go in squads of two, so while two are doing something the other supervises for further enemies that might come and handle positions. Each of them carries a function for the team. And sometimes work all together like in the battle of the Gauntlet where the required all of the team.

With that I mean normally each mission they have, Y/N will interact with that part of the squad and sometimes through an intercom or Holocall with the other members.


Well let's talk about :

Y/N Leader of Havoc Squad

Not all heroes carry lightsabers. Some just have the will to fight.

Troopers are the embodiment of the Republic military's highest aspirations—the most advanced fighting force in the galaxy. They are equipped to face any foe in any environment, but it's not their gear that makes them tough—it's their guts. The Troopers' greatest weapons are their indomitable spirit, their unwavering sense of duty and their undying loyalty to each other and to the ideals that the Republic represents. In this age, the stakes have never been higher. 

Since the normative of the clones as the main enforcement on the front lines, many men have deflected the front lines to continue their lives without stepping the line of duty if possible, Y/N was not one of them, he remained there to make a difference which led him ascending ranks quickly. During his way in the ranks, he was promoted as a member of Havoc Squad, through the years the members of Havoc Squad was dismissed from the line of duty or died defending the Republic.

Currently, Y/N is the leader of Havoc Squad, he and his squad will do anything to defend the Republic and the liberty he believes in.

Currently, Y/N is the leader of Havoc Squad, he and his squad will do anything to defend the Republic and the liberty he believes in

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If you want you can leave it without a helmet.

If you want you can leave it without a helmet

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His canon. He also carries thermal detonators, a blaster pistol(strapped to his thigh), and a combat knife.


I think that should be it if you want to know anything about the story let me know, and as I said if you want someone for Havoc Squad just leave a comment.

With that, I hope you have a good day or night from SNT

Also, I will leave these videos.

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