Chapters 4 - On the Road

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I have just realised if Me and Q leave Sal, Joe and Murr alone for half and hour they will entertain their selfs with coupons. Sal brought some coupons he had won and was going to use it to but something nice then he realised it was expired 3 years ago 2012. Anyways Q took me out to me out for lunch to say thank you while the the tour bus was being filled up with gas and everyone was mucking around with coupons.
Me and Q made are way back to the Tour bus. As we got on the tour bus the boys was sorting out our food. There was one massive box full of gum. "Wow, why did we order this much gum." Said Sal. Everyone started laughing.

"How long till we are at Chicago." Q asked the driver. "About 5 minutes." replied the driver. "Guys we are almost in Chicago." Shouted Q. "Okay." we all shouted back.

*We arrive in Chicago*

Me, Sal, Q and Murr decided to go to the grocery store across the road from where the Tour Bus was parked. But Joe decided to go straight to the hotel to check in. But he didn't check in a Joe Gatto he checked in as Sal Vulcano and went up to Mine and Sal's room, turned the heat up to 110 Degrees and took a Shit in the Toilet and didn't flush them checked out. About 20 minutes later and Sal Checks in for me and him. Joe pulls me aside and starts talking to me about he's Wife Bessy and how I should meet her, to distract me so I wouldn't follow Sal. Sal goes up to our room while Joe is still taking to me. Sal opened the door and gets hit in the face by a pipping hot shit. Sal literally shouted. "WWWHHHAAAATTTT !!" me and Joe could hear him from down stairs Joe started giggling. Sal went flying into the managers office and said " WHAT THE FUCK MAN !! " pacing up and down madly. " ILL WAIT TILL YOU GET OFF THE FUCKING PHONE !!" shouted Sal. The manager puts the phone down. " HI MY NAME IS SAL VULCANO IM IN ROOM 123C AND IVE GUTTA BIT OF A
SHIT-UATION GOING ON, WHERE DO I BEGGIN, IM PRITTY SURE THE HEATING BROKEN CAUSE MY ROOM WAS LIKE 120 DEGREES IN THAT MOTHER FUCKING CELVIN, I THINK I MADE THE WRONG TURN AND I WENT TO AFRICAS MEADOWS, I WAS LOOKING FOR MUFFASA SO I STARTED MY JOURNEY AND I SMELT SOMETHING, WHATS THAT BY THE WATERING HOLE THAT AINT FUCKING SIMBA THATS A FUCKING TURD IN THE TOILET, I NEED SOMEONE TO COME UPSTAIRS AND AWWW-SAVEN-YAA THAT MOTHER FUCKER OUT IF THE TOILET CAUSE I AINT FUCKNG HUKUNA MATATA RIGHT NOW !!!" Shouted Sal. " Okay, calm down." said the manager looking scared of Sal. Joe was just laughing he's head off. "How about I get you a better room for the same price, wait no you and your friends can get upgrades on you room and the room for free." said the manager. " Okay" Said Sal. About 20 minutes later We all got new rooms. This one Joe hadn't take a Shit in. We now had free room service. " I ain't giving a tip in this place." said Sal.

A few hours later Joe, Sal, Q and Murr left to go to their 7 o'clock show. The guys got my a V.I.P pass and front row seats. Sal said to me. " if people ask out us, you do t have to say anything in you don't want to, or you can come on stage with us if someone asks a out us." " I didn't mind I guess I need to take the consequences, I didn't think dating a famous person would be easy." I answered as we was both laughing. Joe and Murr was mucking around. " I can't believe we have nine more days left of this Tour. " Said Murr. " Nine more days really." Joe said back. " I WANNA GO HOME, I WANNA GO HOME." Joe started shouting and laughing. "I WANT CHOCOLATE, I WANT CHOCOLATE." Joe added. I threw sweets at him. " I'll stay, I'll stay, I'll stay with my best friends if tour." Said Joe we all started laughing. " Nine more days." Said Murr. " I WANNA GO HOME." Joe shouted. We was all laughing so hard I almost wet myself.

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