Chapter 34: Love is all

Start from the beginning

"It's good to see you, Loreth." said Arwen kindly, and that snapped Loreth out of her trance. Nestarel could already see how much she was admiring Arwen. Loreth bowed. "The pleasure is all mine, my lady."

Nestarel turned to Arwen. "So?" she asked. "We are all heading toward Minas Tirith and you are with us, does it mean ...??"

Arwen blushed and dropped her head. "yes" she answered shyly. 

Nestarel grabbed her hands and squeezed them. "Oh, Arwen." she said both happy and sad. Happy for her friends to finally be together but sad that they were going to lose their Undomiel forever. "I'm so happy for you and Aragorn. He will be overjoyed." she said and hugged Arwen tight.

It was the day before Midsummer when messengers came from Amon Dîn to the City of Minas Tirith, and they said that there was a riding of fair folk out of the North, and they drew near now to the walls of the Pelennor.

Upon the very Eve of Midsummer, when the sky was blue as sapphire and white stars opened in the East, but the West was still golden, and the air was cool and fragrant, and Aragorn's coronation was held, the riders came down the North-way to the gates of Minas Tirith. Before they entered the city, Legolas went forward with Elrond's sons to be the first ones in the row to greet Aragorn. Behind them, came Glorfindel and Erestor and all the household of Rivendell. And then came Thranduil, Nestarel and Amroth in her arms, Tauriel and the Elves of Greenwood, and after them came the Lady Galadriel and Celeborn, Lord of Lothlórien, riding upon white steeds and with them many fair folk of their land, grey-cloaked with white gems in their hair. and last came Master Elrond, mighty among Elves and Men, bearing the scepter of Annúminas.

When they reached the seventh level of Minas Tirith, they all dismounted. They had reached there just after Aragorn's coronation. Nestarel could see the hobbits standing next to Gimli and Gandalf. Merry and Pippin waved for her, excited.

The people who were already there and were watching the fair folk with awe, made way for the Elves. The Elves walked forward and Aragorn came to their welcome. He bowed in respect and put his hand on Legolas' shoulder who returned the gesture.

"Welcome, my friend." He said. Sadness was dripping from his eyes. Legolas smiled at him and pointed behind him with his head. He walked to a side so Aragorn could see the person behind him.

There, stood someone in a light green dress. Her upper body was hiding behind a white flag which had a white tree with blossoms made of Mithril and seven stars at top of it. Elrond had stood behind the person.

Nestarel could almost hear Aragorn's heartbeat when he walked closer to the mysterious person. The flag went away slowly and showed the person behind it and behold. There had stood Arwen Undómiel, the Evenstar of her people and the most beautiful Elf that had graced this world with her presence. Her gray eyes were shining happily like stars on the beautiful spring night.

Elrond urged her to move forward. His eyes were tearful. In fact, the eyes of all of the Elves were tearful, for they were both happy from the happiness of their Lady and sad because of losing her.

Aragorn reached her and took the flag with his hand. Arwen bowed her head. Aragorn raised her head with his finger and a second later they were kissing each other so passionately and deep like they were the only ones in this world.

Everyone cheered and so the king Elessar wedded Arwen Undómiel on that beautiful day.

Legolas came and stood next to Nestarel and took Amroth from her arms. He planted a kiss on her forehead and put an arm around her waist. Nestarel wiped her eyes and put her head on his shoulder. "They are so good together. I'm so happy to see them together after all of the hard things they passed." she said with a smile.

She then saw Eowyn in Faramir's arms, Gandalf and Gimli who were clapping and laughing from deep inside, Hobbits who were clapping and laughing happily, Eomer who was standing next to a beautiful woman with black hair and blue eyes and he looked extremely happy.

She smiled. "I think this story ended well after all of that difficulties for everyone." she said. and Legolas looked down at her with love. "yes I think it does." he said and then connected their lips in a short and chaste kiss.

"okay, you stupid Elf. Give me Amroth before you drop him." grumbled Gimli and Nestarela and Legolas pulled away laughing. Gimli had returned to Minas Tirith two weeks after the birth of Amroth to complete his tasks.

Legolas carefully passed Amroth to Gimli who cooed at him fondly. "He is still so tiny, but so cute at the same time." he said.

Nestarel walked closer and kissed his head. "I missed you a lot, Gimli." she said.

Gimli patted her back. "me too, lassie. Me too." he said.

"Is it little Amroth?" Merry's voice brought them out of their small talk.

Nestarel smiled. "Yes, the one and only." she said happily.

"It's good to see you, my lady!" said Sam politely who blushed a bit when Nestarel looked at him. Nestarel walked forward and kissed and hugged all four of them fondly.

"Can we hold him?" asked Pippin eagerly.

Gimli frowned and pulled Amroth out of their reach. "Uh uh, of course not." he said and then smiled at the laughing baby in his arms. "This source of joy, loves to stay in his uncle's arms. Don't you little one?"

"But this is not fair, Legolas you should say something." Merry protested as he, Pippin, and Sam went forward. 

Nestarel looked at Frodo who was smiling as well. "How is your shoulder, My dear?" asked Nestarel in a low voice, so the others won't hear their conversation. 

Frodo's hand went for his shoulder and he winced a bit. "Sometimes it stings, especially on its anniversary." he said. "Sometimes I can still feel its shadow and the weight of the ring." he then looked up at Nestarel desperately. "Does your scar still hurt you as well? Does it ever going to heal."

Nestarel looked at him kindly and sympathetically. "My dear, Frodo." she said softly. "Some wounds are creating with so much hatred and evil will that it's hard to say if they will ever heal."

"So yours is still painful?" asked Frodo.

Nestarel nodded. "It's more memories that hurt more than the pain of the scar itself." she said.

"How do you endure it?" asked Frodo eagerly.

Nestarel looked over her shoulder to Legolas who had Amroth in his arms now. He looked up and smiled when he caught her smiling which she returned.

"With love." she said and looked at Frodo who looked understanding. "Love is all, Frodo. It's the only thing that will help you endure. It can heal the worst wounds. Always make sure to have lots of it in your life."

Frodo nodded in understanding while looking at his friends. He then smiled and looked back at her. "Thank you, my lady." he said gratefully. 

Nestarel kissed his head and then handed him a vile full of golden liquid. "I made this for you." she said. "It will help you feel better. When you are so much in pain, just take one drop of it. It will help."

Frodo bowed his head and then joined the others and had his turn in having Amroth in his arms.

So the third age of Middle earth ended with love and friendship. Aragorn was more than happy to let Legolas live in Ithilien. So Legolas soon gathered a group of his people and left the Greenwood with his family and settled in beautiful woods of Ithilien and it became once again the fairest country in all the westlands, until after some time all Elves had departed over the Sea.

Loreth lived the rest of her life with the elves and stayed with Nestarel who cried hard when she finally closed her eyes and her soul left her body peacefully.

Finally, after hundreds of years, Legolas finally gave in to the call of the sea and left Middle earth with his love Nestarel and his true friend Gimli. He ordered to build a ship in the havens of Dol Amroth and left it was the last ship and left the middle earth. The last ship took Nestarel Umariel with itself and with that our story comes to its end. The story of Nestarel Umariel and Legolas Greenleaf.

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