Chapter 1:Welcome to the flying Tankers!

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"Damn 'em to hell!"You exclaim as you kick your driver in the shoulder."I got it!"Your driver replies as he pulls the left stick."One away!"Your gunner yells as he pulls the trigger.The blast of the 37 millimetre of the M3 Stuart rings in your ears as the smoke from the gun fills the tank."Gunner, M22 Locust on the left!"You exclaim loudly as the M22 aims it's gun barrel at you.

A loud blast rings out as you and the Locust aim and fire at each other almost in unison.Your shell misses,but the infamous scwhoop!! of the white flag going up courses through your veins as you realise you've been taken out.You slam your fist on the tank turret and mutter,"Attempt 2, at least we did better than the first..."You get out of your tank to face George,the best male tanker on the Tanklathon team.

Oh right,Tanklathon is a spin-Off of Sensha-Do where there are NO rules,none at all.Well...there is one...Your tank must only be under 10 tons."That hunk 'o' junk will never get past the Knights of the Flying Tanker volunteer group!"He sneers while smirking at you."Shut up George!"You reply while giving him the finger."Who the hell do you even think you are huh?"He responds while clenching his fist,readying himself to punch you.Just then,a girl with long wavy red hair appears."Oh c'mon George, ignore those Morons~"She says with a slur in her voice as she clings to his arm."I guess your right Loraine~"He replies in a similiar tone as he kisses her lightly on the cheek,causing a small smile to come out of her mouth.

"Aghh,that damn thing is all broken up again!"You scream once he's gone to look at the messed up piece of metal that's left."Just ignore him."A male voice says behind."Just ignore him Michael."Comes the reply from Kayden, your gunner."Yeah I probably should,thanks bud!:You respond as you two fist bump each other."Yeah,too bad we'll have to pop down to the tank store later to get those parts fixed..."Luke mumbles under his breath as he walks off.The M2 Light just sits in the middle,looking horrible as you attempt to hitch it onto a truck

After you finish hitching the modified M3 Stuart onto the back of the trailer,you drive down to the Tank store to buy the parts you need to fix and make it better and even lighten it further and get it ready for more battles.

As you pull into the parking lot, you notice another M22 Locust, with a short brunw=ette fumbling with something on her tank."Damn idlerwheel!"She yells as she cotinues to make futile attempts at fixing the thing she needs to fix on her tank.After watching for a while,and unhitching your tank, you decide to approach her."Hey,do you need a bit of help?"you ask her as she continues to fix her tank."Yeah,could you help me attach this new idler wheel to my tank?"she replies as she stands up."Wow,that thing's really shot to shit...."You mutter as you."Yeah I could help with you that."you respond as you grab her wrench,and crouch down on the carpark floor  and help to fix the idler wheel.

As you help the Brunette,this gives us just about enough time to explain how you even got to this point.Your M3 Stuart, nicknamed Phoenix in the lower decks of the ship,  you and your friends fixed it up and decided to take it into Tanklathon. It was just a shame that you needed to face someone from the team and of course they chose the best male tanker!

Anyway...Meanwhile in the present, you've finished with helping the short Brunette with the the idler.'Done!"You exclaim once you're done."By the way,what's your name?"The Brunette asks you."I'm Michael,what about you?"The Brunette smirks and replies,"I'm Alisa!"You lift an eyebrow and remakr,"Alisa as in A-"She does a mock bow and responds,"Yes,the Alisa that's the Vice of the Sensha-Do team and commander of the flying tankers!"She exclaims loudly as she puffs out her chest."Right, anyway I've got to go fix my tank..."You mumble as you return her her wrench.You enter the shop and ask the cashier politely,"Could I see the Tanklathon things?"He motions for you to follow him.You soon enter a dimly room full of parts, from carbon Fiber Road wheels to illegal High velocity cannons.

After some time,you decide to leave the shop and get to fixing the tank."New radio,new track and lightened Carbon Fiber drive sprockets, along with new wires."You mutter to yourself to recall everything you've bought and need to fix.Just as you're about to leave, you notice a small hand written note.

+81 8894 6078  Hey Michael, It's Alisa. I owe you one for helping with my Locust!Here's my number.You can call me whenever you need something at any time


You smile to yourself as you hop into the car and drive off into the sunset.

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