Fallen Petals

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Just so you know, this isn't poetry. This isn't a grand speech or an addictive, lovable story. 

It's just me, and my notes. Tiny scoops of random thoughts that I like to record sometimes for unclear reasons. 

None of these might make sense, because most of them doesn't for me either. Sometimes thoughts can just swoop in and nestle in your mind for no reason. 

Just wanted you to know. 


so let's go wild, ruffle our hair, dance until we die and hit the floor.

Sing until out voices are barely whispers in the crowd and sink back into the water.

No one might know where we are but we don't give a damn. We want to stay hidden from sight, let no one see the mess.

And if one of us starts to fall out, we'll just keep dancing until the line reaches our grasps

None of us will make it in time but it's find we've written our goodbyes already.

We've sang our last speeches before we knew.

And we already have been out of sight, no need to bury the body if no one will notice.

Can you guess our last words before we drew the line? Before we knelt down on the sand and watched as the world finally faded. 

Did you notice the petal fall? 

Fallen Tears: don't come backOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant