General Information on Warrior and Psycho Classes (1)

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All the general info for Warrior and Psycho classes. Any information found on the previous things I've written but not here has been considered non-general, meaning that it still exists but it's no longer a thing that applies to most Warriors and Psychos. If it directly counters something written here, however, then this version applies.

Also includes some information on my Facilities.

Warrior classes are quite 'tanky' and a bit on the slower side, while Psychos are more quick and 'dodgy.'

Warriors often are stronger naturally but overall weaker than Psychos due to the fact that Psychos are experimented on more and thus often have more high-tech equipment. Though, as soon as that tech has been considered 'safe' and is distributed to Warriors, they promptly become stronger until the next experiment rolls around.

Warriors tend to have brightly colored fur while Psychos have no distinctive 'lean' in the color of their fur. This means that they don't have a higher chance to be born with bright fur, dull fur, etc..

Warriors have a blunt, straightforward, impatient, and honest personality when under Facility effects, otherwise it's a quite caring, honest, patient, and kind personality. Basically, polar opposites.

Psychos are quite charming and mildly sadistic regardless of if they're in their own mindset or not, but 'free' Psychos tend to be more understanding than their Facility mindsets.

Both Warriors and Psychos love the cold and hate the heat, which is ironic considering they have an incredibly low tolerance to the cold. Psychically, more specifically to that last part. They still love the cold even if they are freezing from being out in it.

Warrior training usually finishes on the day said Warrior becomes 20, and they are usually sent out to their first field mission anywhere from 3 to 9 months after they're done with training. In times of struggle, though, training will be accelerated to be finished at age 18, and they will be sent out on field missions 2 to 4 months after their training completes.

Psycho training finishes at age 16, regardless of struggles or not. They are sent out on missions only a month to two months after they're officially a Facility controlled Psycho.

Staff that perform the process to 'brainwash' Warriors and Psychos do not like talking about said process, partly because they're not legally allowed to due to their contract, and partly due to the fact that said process is traumatizing to people performing it (not to the participant getting mind controlled, though - they don't remember the process). From small hints from said staff, it is widely believed that the process consists of 2 major steps and 3 minor steps, though at least one of the minor steps must be done. The mind controlling lasts from 3 months if only the major steps are done, to 6 if everything is done. Each major step lasts one and a half months and each minor step lasts a month.

Standard Warrior training mostly consists of weapon training, CQC, and learning ways to brush off severe pain. Standard Psycho training is entirely focused around being agile and recognizing how a hostile is going to attack so they can dodge it. Obviously, it also includes the CQC and gun training.

Many Warriors and Psychos have been sexually abused, which notably isn't part of the training and the staff here are warned that doing something like this results in execution so i dunno why like 80% of es-corp rapes our about-to-be guards but whatever. poor guys and gals remember it for nearly the rest of their lives. the guys who enforce this rule deserve a raise.

Warriors can be a significant number of things, ranging from rentable RCU's to maintain our public image of being a security company, to guards here at the facilities, to field operators, to undercover agents in militaries and law enforcements. Fuck - There's probably something for every Warrior here, ranging from a frontline soldier, to a sniper, to even an intelligence officer. Psychos, on the other hand, usually are always on homeland security and 'recover this thing we lost in, i dunno, the fucking amazon rainforest or something' duty.

Continuing on the last part, mainly because these next options are significantly more.. unorthodox? Strange? Just generally not normal? Whatever. Like I said, there's something for every Warrior, hell, I've seen one of them floating like a foot off the ground, trying to get me convinced on something she called 'The Void'. Oh, and no, they were not using a jetpack or anything. They were just up and casually levitating. These new, strange options range from Occultist to Engineer to something they call 'lightspeed fucks,' from what I understand those guys tend to be a Warrior crossed with a Psycho.

Our facilities consist of 5 'brands', although only 4 of them have a public face. Plus, only 3 of us are still highly functional. We are Es-Corp, a pun on Escort and Corp., responsible for maintaining a public security company and training a significant portion of our guards. Otherwise, the second most popular branch here is Ro-Bert, named after the founders Rob and Bert. They usually tackle the robotics and mechanical workings of our needs, and we have joint facilities that we use to train Engineer Warriors in. They run a prosthetic-making company for their public face. Behind them is Arm-O-Matics, the overseer of supply transportation. They technically transport all of our materials, from food and water to gun parts, they just like the name Arm-O-Matics over whatever they had before. Obviously, they run a shipping company as their public front. The last group has been lost to time by this point, and the fifth group are the guys who run this show.. there's only a few select people in each group that can speak to them. 

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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