
Start from the beginning

Despite the video featuring the twenty-two-year-old, she has decided to stay off-camera. She feels more comfortable knowing any hate comments would be towards her voice or her conversations with the racing driver rather than her appearance—something that has also been stopping her from removing the privacy settings on her social media accounts.

Queenie clears her throat as if she's getting ready to host a game show and a smile immediately makes its way onto Lando's face as he watches her. It's so obvious to the people watching that the boy is head over heels in love with the girl.

"How well do you know me?" Queenie asks and Lando picks up his whiteboard and dry board marker to write an answer down. "No, that wasn't a question."

"Well, it was a question." Lando comments smugly, chuckling to himself when Queenie fires back a weak, "Shut up."

"When is my birthday?" Queenie begins, reading the first question from her list.

Lando hesitates for a second before writing November on his board and turning it towards the camera with an awkward smile.

"What date?" Queenie prods.

Lando shrugs. "I can't remember—I know that you're older than me, though."

"I'm going to need the full date to give you a point."

"It's the ninth, right?" Lando guesses.

Queenie grins proudly. "Ding ding ding, we have a winner."

Lando cheers, matching Queenie's excitement. The clip cuts to him wiping his answer from his board, muttering, "Remember, remember, the ninth of November,"; a phrase Queenie had taught him the night that he'd learned her birthday.

"Okay, next question," Queenie says. "What grade did I leave my Law degree with?"

"Like, overall?" Lando squints.


"Fuck," Lando winces, the curse word being cut out in the edit of the video. He stares at the other people in the room behind the camera as if they're going to give him a clue.

"Are we even friends?" Queenie scowls, feigning offence at Lando's lack of knowledge about her.

"We're friends because of your personality, Queens," Lando smirks. "Not because of your achievements in life."

Queenie is surprised her eyes don't roll right out of her eye sockets as she reacts to what Lando has just said. "You're hilarious."

"I like to think so."

"I'm going to start deducting points for time-wasting soon." Queenie jokes, watching the boy rack his brain for any memory of her telling him what grade she left university with. Queenie knows that she hasn't actually told him what level her degree is but she finds it fun to watch him struggle.

"What even are the grades you can leave university with?" Lando asks after giving up trying to muster up an actual answer.

"First, two-one, two-two, third or fail."

"Is a first the highest?"


"Definitely not that, then," Lando quips and Queenie gasps dramatically in response. The twenty-two-year-old begins to laugh at his own joke enough to bring him to tears and Queenie struggles to keep pretending that she's mad from the sight of him.

"No, I'll be nice," Lando says once he has finally recovered from his laughing fit. "I'll guess that you got a first."

Queenie cheers. "Yey, well done, Lando."

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