In the middle there is her table which holds her MacBook, her ridiculous red plant and her alpaca stuffy she got in a competition when she was 16, named Oscar. She also has a pretty pen case and a huge sketchbook where her dresses are born. The dress I wore in the bar was a gift from Solstice too.

Looking at her office and boutique gives me hope about how dreams can come true. Some just take a little longer.
It gives me hope that someday I'll also be an accomplished artist with a studio and an office. I am slowly getting there.

It also fills my heart with a dull ache because this office holds so many memories. Of us. Of her. Of us three together.

I sat in the chair on the opposite end of her table and she said beside me instead of the front seat.

"People were drooling over you outside. They were like "oh she is so hot I wanna marry her" " I mimicked them, pretending to be a fangirl.

"Really? Damn. I can never get used to this" she said, chuckling.

"You should" I said and she blushed.

"So, how is life?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Well it's tiring" I said as I slumped myself further into her extremely comfortable chair. God I could sleep in it right now.

"Why what's wrong?" She said, a hint of worry creeping up her face.

"My landlord they..asked me to move out today" I said looking into my lap.

She gasped.

"Oh no. It was the perfect place for you. What now?" She said, now fully worried.

"I know right. It was close to my university, had enough space and had a low rent. I have no idea where I'll go now" I replied, my eyes getting misty.

"You know you can live with me " she said, gently touching my shoulder.

"I know. But your shop is very far away from my university" I said sighing in hopelessness.

She mirrored my sigh.

"Well it'll be alright. We'll figure something out. Have you not been sleeping well?" She questioned in a scolding way, narrowing her eyes.

"It's because of this guy-" I cupped my mouth shut but it was too late. Solstice eyes were wide now, shining with a look I know too well. They were gleaming with excitement and a very hungry curiosity.

"A guy huh?" She was smiling full on now, like a predator whose prey will unfortunately, be me.

"No-i mean yes- no- maybe- I DON'T KNOW" I exclaimed, looking away.

"He is stealing your night's sleep huh? Is he cute?? Handsome??" She questioned rhapsodically.

I did not answer.

"Oh my god you are blushing! He must be cute" she laughed.

"Stop!" I said "we...won't likely ever meet again" I said, swallowing a lump in my throat.

"What why?" She said, all of her excitement going down the drain.

How do I tell her that this guy is haunted? I can't possibly tell her that this guy is possessed by this ghost and he wants me to stay away from him.

"Um he...said I wasn't his type and wasn't cute enough" oh my god i am so mean.
I could feel the temperature in the room drop as I glanced at Solstice. She was looking at me calmly but her eyes were turning icy. Oh god.

"He said what? HE SAID WHAT!? not cute HAH! MY FOOT" she exclaimed getting up from the chair.

"I-" I started but she cut me off.

"Okay you aren't his type but how can he say you aren't cute? YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL AND CUTE. He must not be cute at all. I change my mind. He is a piece of shit" she declared huffing.

"Okay yes he is sit down please" I said, on guard, as if she'll suddenly jump up on me.

"Who is he? Tell me I am gonna go kick his-" the front door bell rang and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You have a customer" i smiled broadly at her fuming form.

"I know" she snapped and took a deep breath smoothing down her hair. And then she put on one of her best smiles and walked out of the office looking all happy and professional.

"Hi!" I heard her greet them. I marveled at her capability to consume herself so quickly.

I sighed. I tried really hard these three days not to think about him. I busied myself in work, kept painting and painting. I made the panels for a webtoon creator I am working for in two days when I had a time of a week.
But in the emptiness of the night, in the endless silence I couldn't escape from my thoughts. From his face. Apart from missing him, I can't help but think about him being haunted. How must it feel? Why did this happen? How did it happen? Can it be cured? How does he live his everyday life? I have so many questions but no one but him can answer them.

I sometimes get so curious, the itch to meet him again so powerful I can't take it.

Like right now.

I picked up my bag, and started toward the door when I saw something near it that hit me so hard in the chest I can't explain it.

It was a picture. Of us. Me, Solstice and..... Emerald.

My whole body felt as if something has anchored it to the ground. I can't help but surrender to the memory of that day.

We took that picture by the beach. We went there to celebrate all of us being independent and moving out of our parents houses. We were really happy. So ecstatic. We felt so free.

I remember Emerald balancing her phone on the edge of some rock and pulling us all in the frame. We couldn't stop laughing that's why we look totally ridiculous in the picture. But somehow, we three looked really pretty. And happy.

Emerald is in the middle, her eyes, just like her name, royal green, were crunched up as her face was lit up with this big smile. Her dark brown hair were blowing away from her face. She looked like an angel.

Me and Solstice were on the either side of her. Solstice was in a mid-laugh, her hair blowing over half of her face. She looked so cute.

And me. I had my arm slung over Emerald's slender shoulders and I was doing a pout. My short hair were blowing away from my face by the wind.

Emerald told me I looked the sexiest of all of us. I looked the hottest.

I could feel something wet hit my cheek. Tears. My tears.
Even after two years, I can't confront myself. Or surrender to the memories.

I shook myself off and wiped my tears taking a deep breath. I pasted a smile and walked out of the office.

Solstice was there, aiding the customers.

"I'll see you later okay?" I said as I hugged her from the side.

"You better. We aren't done about that boy yet" she gave me a fake death glare as she whispered so the customers won't hear.

"Yes ma'am" I waved her goodbye and exited the boutique.

Once I was out of the street of her shop, I ran.

Away from the memories.

Away from Emerald.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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