He then saw her hair, it was soaked. Her grey hoodie was doused on her shoulders and small dark circles were all around the remainder of it. She had been out in the rain, just like him.

As soon as he made eye-contact with her it was like absolutely could not look away, she's got him in a swoon.

Her eyes are a hazel tone and round silver glasses lay on the extension of her nose with smudged water beads on the outside of the lenses, they looked somewhat like the ones he usually wears. Her hood covers most of her hair but it's still noticeable, it's short and a dark brown color with waves, kind of like a chocolate river. Golden freckles scatter her cheeks and nose like the stars in the sky. She looks simply beautiful.

Like they all say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and different people find different things attractive, but with this woman? Oh, she's got to be one of the gorgeous people he has ever met! He doesn't doubt that everyone that has ever laid eyes on her found her just alluring.

The woman's cheeks flushed pink from embarrassment from the man staring at her.

"Oh, um.. Hello," he forces a laugh, he was embarrassed with his actions as well.

"Hi," the woman chuckles. "Fan of the rain as well?" She asks gesturing to his rain-soaked coat.

"Oh definitely,"

"Me too!" The woman smiles softly "You know, i've never really met anyone who likes the rain. Or well- likes it as much as I like it."

"Well, i'd say now you have," he chuckles, "I just adore it." he says and goes to push the button once more.

"Finally!" She laughs, getting into the elevator with the man, "What level are you?"

"Oh, I'm on 5," the man says.

"Oh hey, me too," she softly smiles.

".. So what's your name?" the man asks awkwardly awaiting for the elevator to stop at his floor.

"Elaine," she responds softly as she watches the screen that showed what floor they were on change. "And yours?"



"Wilbur.. You know, I really like that name," Elaine says softly, "Wilbur like from Charlotte's Web!"


The insignificant comment made butterflies flutter in his stomach and a blush dared to appear across his cheeks.


"Thank you," he smiles, "So what is it that brings you walking in the rain at 1 am?"


"I couldn't sleep," she shrugs, "And what better way to cure sleeplessness than to go walking in pouring rain?" She chuckles, "How about you?"


When the man was about to answer the elevator dings, announcing that they were at their floor. They make their way out and start walking down the hallway.

"I don't think i've ever seen you before, what number are you?" Elaine asks, almost immediately covering her face with a embarrassed look plastered across her face, "Shit, was that creepy? Sorry," she forces a laugh.

Wilbur chuckles, "No you're fine I promise! I'm number 302."

The girl puts her hands down slowly, "...You don't say? I'm 303."

Wilbur wasn't necessarily shocked at first but then he realized, that's the neighbor of his that always plays those gorgeous piano pieces.

Elaine on the other hand realized that was the neighbor that was always playing guitar tunes, even singing sometimes too.

"303? That means you're the person always playing those beautiful piano pieces!" Wilbur exclaims, excited to finally meet the face of those pieces, stopping dead in his tracks.

"And you're the person always playing those beautiful guitar pieces!"

"Aw you can hear that?" Wilbur asks embarrassed.

"It's faint but yeah, I can." she laughs, "These walls are paper thin I swear, but nevermind that, you are a wonderful artist! I'm glad to at last meet the person behind those beautiful melodies." She grins.

"Thank you." He smiles, "And you're a wonderful pianist."

"Thank you! That truly means a lot," she looks down to her feet, "Sorry if i'm too loud, I was never aware that people could even hear me."

"Not at all, I quite enjoy hearing your playing." He shoots her a smile and they arrive to their doors.

"Thanks," she smiles. The compliment made a pink blush appear across her nose and cheeks. Wilbur thought he noticed something but decided on not saying anything. "You know, you may enjoy it but i'm sure old man Davis probably wants my head on a spike."

Wilbur chuckles, "Old man Davis wants everyones head on a spike."

"That is very true," Elaine chuckles, "But anyway, we're here I guess."

"Yeah yeah, well I bid you farewell I guess." Wilbur sasses.

"Till we meet again!" Elaine waves.

They said their farewells and went inside, Wilbur immediately walking to his room to change and his bathroom to get ready to finally sleep, Elaine immediately walking to her piano.

Wilbur laid in bed with a soft smile his night replaying in his head, the girl consuming his thoughts when he heard the faint piano playing through the walls, his soft smile grew bigger and bigger.

She was sitting at her huge, shining black instrument that looked like the sky on a cool summer night, coaxing impossibly soothing and amazing melodies. Her fingers flew over the keys like swallows darting in a pond for fish.

Wilbur fell asleep to the piano music, Elaine on the other hand, she didn't fall asleep until 4. Wilbur's compliment made the girl quite motivated to finish a piece she has been working on, she wanted him to hear it. Once she finished she smiled, hoping he will like it. She sat up from her piano's bench and made her way to bed.

Both lay in their bed with the thought of the other with complete adoration.

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