𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬: Lukloe

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Fandom: Miraculous

Pairing: Luka Couffaine x Chloe Bourgeois

Type of ship: Het ship

Overall Opinion: No just no.
There are many reasons as to why I don't like this ship and I think you know it as well!
I would have probably shipped it if Chloe became nicer and accepting but she didn't even change and I don't hate her at the same time cause I really hoped that in season 3 she would change completely but you know how it is.
Another thing is that she bullied Luka's sister, Juleka many times which led to her akumatization.
Also if Chloe finds out that Jagged Stone is their father, she is probs going to use him to get close and I can't bear to see that happen to him after a painful breakup with Marinette!
Also Luka deserves someone way better than Chloe considering the ship is just gonna be Chloe being toxic towards him!
Not gonna lie but the Lukloe fanbase is also very toxic and this is what made me not like this ship anymore and it just straight up ruined things for me.
Also don't think that I am forcing down my opinions on you guys cause I just stated my own opinions and if you ship this then I have nothing to say but to support whatever you're doing but please don't think that I am forcing my opinion down and I am sorry to whoever I hurt just now with this opinion but I just said what I said so don't take it to heart too much and I am apologizing here again.

Rating: -10000000/100

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