Settling In

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"Finally!" Pacey muttered as he and Joey made the finishing touches to decorating their new home.

After months of searching they had finally found a nice little apartment in New York. The best part was that it was at an affordable price despite how cosy it was.

"How about a picture?" He suggested, eager to capture their hard work.

"Okay, sure." She agreed.

With her answer, he quickly went to fetch the camera from their bedroom before returning to set it up in the main area of the apartment. He placed it carefully on its stand in the corner of the room and set the timer on it before rushing to squeeze in next to Joey.

The camera made the usual clicking sound to inform them that the photo had been taken.

"I'll deal with developing those later." He decided, too tired from the hard work they had put into the morning.

"Time for lunch." He added, going off into the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Joey took the memory card out of the camera and placed it into the laptop that was sat on a small round table for two in one of the corners of the room. Flicking through all of the photos that they had been taking in the last couple of days, she soon came across the snap that was taken only moments ago.

She had to look twice. Rubbing her eyes in disbelief, and then inspecting the image closely, she knew for definite that she wasn't seeing things.

Right in front of them, in the centre of the photo, was a dark shadowed figure. Her eyes widened when she noticed the shape of it too.

Being so glued to the laptop screen, unable to tear her eyes away from what she had seen, she didn't notice Pacey walked into the room until he crept up and tapped her on the shoulder, which almost made her jump out of her seat.

"So it turns out that we forgot groceries while we were out shopping earlier." He informed her, and then continued to speak, "Looks like another shopping trip to me."

She nodded, barely having heard what he had just said since she was more focused on the screen in front of her. Though she quickly closed the laptop and jumped to her feet to go and get ready.

Part of her wanted to show him the picture, and ask if he saw it too but the other half told her that it was just a stupid trick of the light or her imagination playing tricks on her. Deciding against showing him at that moment in time, she grabbed her coat and joined him at the door.

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