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My nightly walks grew longer as time went on. A couple weeks had passed since I planted the zinnia seeds, and I began to notice little sprouts growing in the flower beds. I sat beside the first flower bed where the bellflowers were.

 I smiled at the little sprouts and looked over to the flower bed to the right. It was still empty for the most part, but when I got up, I saw small yellow flower buds in one of the corners.

 They were new as of the week before, and I was absolutely sure I hadn't planted them. It almost seemed like someone else was visiting the park to plant things like I was, but I knew nobody in my neighborhood liked to leave their houses, much less take up a hobby of gardening in the park. 

Since new flowers started growing, I decided I'd give them some company and placed some snowdrop seeds next to the marigolds and poured some water on them.

As time passed and my plants grew, my hobby of planting flowers grew, and so did my hope that soon others would appreciate the beauty I'd been trying to bring to June's park. The days were repetitive and unexciting, but having something to look forward to never failed to lighten my mood.

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