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KEYS: Bold - means Skelly's talking in Spanish or POV's. Italic means thoughts of people. Underline means a dark voice or possessiveness.

Skelly's POV: 'D&$:! IT! I AM SI GOING TO DIE! BECAUSE I'M LATE!' Running to my job but I was stopped. I quickly take my phone out to record my evidence to show my reason I'm late. "IT' KAMUI!! WE'RE YOUR BIGGEST FANS!" 'Kamui is really hot even if he's a wood man..WHAT AM I THINKING!? HE'S OLDER THEN ME!' I felt some kid push me I would snap but ever kid is a fan of All Might expect me I've never really looked up to him,he was just there you know?

"OI KID MOVE!" I snap my head to the voice yelling at the green haired kid with me. "OI B)/)/$! HOW ABOUT YOU GO SUCK A D&/&:)!? EH! I WONDER IF YA KISS YA WIFE WITH THAT MOUTH!" The guy quickly shut up but was shocked. I turned my head back to the thing and keep recording while holding the kid in one arm to protect him from people. Then the villain was 'defeated' by the so called Mountain Lady,I felt bad for Kamui so I stayed behind to give him something that I've made him. "E-excuse me Kamui?" Kamui turned to me. "Yes?" I pulled the gift out.

"I saw how Mountain lady took the credit so here,it's for you being a real hero" He seemed shocked but slowly but hesitantly took my gift,I smiled and then I felt hugged

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"I saw how Mountain lady took the credit so here,it's for you being a real hero" He seemed shocked but slowly but hesitantly took my gift,I smiled and then I felt hugged. "Thanks kiddo Hmm you plan on going to UA?" "Mhm!" "If you make it I'll inter you" "R-really!?" "Yeah now you should leave" "Y-yes sir!" I got on the new train and went to my job but I was blushing hard thank god I have a mask. I MEET MY IDOL! I'm so so so happy!!

Kamui's POV: I was walking back to portal the city but I made sure the doll I was given was safe. 'That kid..really cute. Hope that kid makes it into UA' I blushed d-did I just call that kid CUTE!? I mean yeah his hair looks soft even if messy and how soft his dark skin is and my got his silky voice...I'll follow that kid until he loves me I love him I don't care if I get in trouble I love him and I'll murder everybody for him. My sweet sweet Cherry blossom~

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