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Fallon's POV:

I was on that stand smiling like a puppet when something..or rather someone caught my eye

"Your here?!"

"You we're right about Eva, she is unstable"

"I'm just glad you finally saw it"

"To be clear this doesn't mean I forgive you, I'm here to support the family right now..we still have a lot of stuff to deal with"

"I know we do...but you wanna try right?"

"I showed up didn't I?"

I was happy and content, this is everything I've wanted the past few weeks

Working things out with Liam

Having my family around me

Being supported of

I wouldn't change it for the world, the entire time Blake was talking we were giving glances and small smiles to each other as if we were 2 high school kids that are crushing on each other..then I see someone I've been trying to destroy since I found out their motives

Eva or Rebecca or whatever her name is I saw her there

She pulled something out of her bag, I couldn't see it well since she was in the back and people are covering what she's holding but I heard someone gasp so it might not be good..

As soon as the confetti poppers popped pain seeped through my body and I just stood there in shock staring at what Eva was holding..a gun

Everyone was screaming and running I see Kirby and Sam were ducking, Blake being escorted off the stage, Adam ducking on the side of the stage, Cristal and Amanda right next to me trying to see who was shooting..by the looks of it Amanda saw who it was since her eyes immediately bulged and I saw her tell Cristal something whose eyes bulged as well, and then there was my love...Liam he was right next to me doing what my sister and my stepmother were doing

Did she just shoot me?

What if I never talk to Liam again?

Is it my time to go yet?

I saw Liam caught the attention that it was Eva and looked down to check if he was the one who got shot while I put my hands on my lower abdomen to check..sure enough I felt some wet and sticky liquid

I looked down and Liam did as well to see a small part of my dress covered in blood, way to ruin an expensive ass dress

I felt like my legs gave out..I couldn't walk anymore...



"Hey hey hey hey hey"

When I thought I was feeling pain before it was nothing like what I felt when he laid me down.. I gasped from pain and then my family started surrounding me, my ears were ringing everything was inaudible thought I think I heard things upon the lines of:

"Put pressure, put pressure here!" I'm guessing that's Adam since he's the doctor here

"Oh my god" I think I heard Sam say that

"Fallon stay awake the ambulance is coming now honey stay awake" I'm pretty sure Blake said this since I saw him pull his phone out of his pocket

"It's okay, your gonna be okay" This was Cristal and to be honest her saying this was calming me down because everything will be fine...right?


Liam's POV:

I can't lose Fallon I just got her back I can't...

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