He wipes away my tears and we know it's time for us to go.

While he closes the door behind me, I hear him say something quickly:

„Team up with your enemy in the next game"

And again I can't ask any questions because we're already in the hall.

I go in the direction of the beds and decide to have a nap before the others come back.

The door opens again and workers come in with a group of people.

They sit down on the other side of the hall,

They give us food but this time I'm smart and go first before I have to eat half a sandwitch out of his pocket again.

Finally the group with player 456 comes in I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of happy that they survived. I see Ali smiling as he notice me.

They come up to me and sit down

„Im glad y'all made it"

„We are also happy to see you again 202" I hear the old men saying

They tell me full of energy what happened and how they survived the game and that Sang-woo saved their life in the last second

We continue to spend the time together and I start to enjoy it. I also make friends with Ali, he told me that he left his wife and child behind hopefully being able to come back to them with money to give them a better life.

I really Like him and I wish that he can go back to his family.

„Player's your bedtime will Beginn in thirty minutes please return to your assign bed and prepare for lights out"

You can tell that Sang-woo is getting nervous, well you can't blame him, it could be that they try to attack us again tonight.

„We should form teams of two and they stay awake for an hour or more to wake us up when something happens" I say

„Great Idea" I hear the old man saying

„Okay me and Ali start the others can go sleep first when the lights go off"

„Before that, let's rebuild the beds so that we can hide here" Sang-woo stands up


We start moving the beds so that it almost looks like a house, inside we have put our mattresses and blankets.

Player 101 comes over to us and tries to scare us by saying he'll come through all the beds

„Maybe first take care of yourself, if I were in your group I would kill you first so that the strongest here is dead"

He turns around nervously and the others from his team are just about to fight.

He turns back to me and I raise an eyebrow.

The lights go out and Ali is sitting with me at the front of our entrance.

„Tell me something about you"

„What do you mean"

„We'll most likely be sitting here for a long time and you chose me to stay with you so tell me something" he says very confidently

Well, I like him and I wanted to take over to watch with him so why not?

„Ask me something you want to know"

„I told you that I am here for my wife and my child what about you?"

„I want to make myself and my mother independent from my father"

He looks at me questioningly, that's probably not enough for him as an answer.

„He beats my mother every day and when I should go to sleep I listened to him saying to my mother that he wants to get rid of me because he hates me. And he hates my mother because she only gave him one daughter he always wanted a strong son but after my mother had a miscarriage she couldn't have any more children. After he started beating me too, I ran away from home for a while but I couldn't leave my mother alone so I came back."

He looks at me in shock, he probably didn't expect that.

„I'm so sorry to hear that you deserve to win"

„We'll make a promise now okay?"

„What kind of promise?"

„When I die you go to my mother and take her away from my father okay? and if you die I will visit your wife and child I will inform them about everything and give them a better life the way you wanted it okay?"

„You would do that?" He says surprised

„Yes, you have become important to me during the time here and I want your family to have a good life"

„Okay yeah let's do it"

I can see on his face that he is pleased that he has a guarantee that someone will take care of his family even if he dies. We talk a little more and the time goes by quickly it feels like I'm talking to a friend I've known for a long time

After a while we decide to wake up the others and go to sleep.

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