(Y/n): See, the rules of the quantum realm aren't like they are up here. Everything is unpredictable...

Scott: Is that anybody's sandwich. I'm, starving

Everyone looked to Scott as he made his way to the sandwich, he started to eat as (Y/n) continued.

(Y/n): Right... So, if I got this right, and I'm sure Scott will tell me otherwise.

Scott nodded as Steve and Nat looked back to (Y/n) as he was really excited about what is to come.

(Y/n): Time works differently in the quantum realm...

Scott: The only problem we have right now, we don't have a way to navigate it.

(Y/n): But what if we did? 

Scott: I can't stop thinking about it...

Steve and Nat shared a look as Scott and (Y/n) seemed to be on a completely different wave length then they are.

Scott: ... What if we could somehow control the chaos, and we could navigate it?

(Y/n): What if there was a way that we could enter the quantum realm at a certain point in time but then exit the quantum realm at another point in time?

Scott: Like... Like before Thanos.

Steve: Wait.

Scott and (Y/n) finished their little moment and looked to Steve as did Nat.

Steve: Are you talking about a time machine?

Scott: No. No, of course not. No, not a time machine. 

(Y/n): This is more like a... 

(Y/n) couldn't think of the word as he looked to Scott.

Scott: Yeah. Like a time machine.

(Y/n): I know, it's crazy. It's crazy. But what if it worked. What if we went back in time and brought the stones here, snapped everyone back and send the stones back to where we got them.

Scott: It sounds crazy...

Natasha: Scott. I get emails from a raccoon, so nothing sounds crazy any more.

Scott: So, who do we talk to about this?

Everyone in the room knew who to go and see, but only (Y/n) really knew where he is.

(Y/n): I'll go speak to him.


(Y/n) arrives at where his father now lives with his wife and daughter, (Y/n)'s been her at least once a week or so and loves the fact he has a little sister, Morgan's amazing, she is just like Tony and Pepper it's kind of scary on how much she has both of their best attributes, a person with Tony's mind and Peppers wisdom is a very dangerous person.

(Y/n) made his way onto the deck of the house just as Tony and Morgan was walking towards the house, Morgan saw (Y/n) and jumped out of Tony's arms and ran towards (Y/n).

Morgan: (Y/n)! 

(Y/n) knelt down and picked her up as Tony smiled making his way towards them.

Morgan: Is Venom with you?

(Y/n) then pretended to think as he looked around then to Morgan.

(Y/n): What do you think?

(Y/n) then smiled as Morgan ran inside, Tony patted (Y/n) on his back and they both entered the house and had lunch, they spoke about random things, Pepper even asked how (Y/n)is with losing Wanda and Rebecca, (Y/n) just said he was dealing with it as they all made more fun, even with Venom coming out of his shoulder and playing with Morgan.

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