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A man to himself as always never in a crowd ..
A man being calm , collect and observant.
The man being Kilyer Dru Gaulden.
Being feared was never on his list of wants but wasn't a issue. The want for love was though. He drowned himself in his thoughts about who would love me. Who would want me? Who would need me? Who would crave me? Who will take the time to understand me? Breathe me? Or Be with me Just for me? Becoming restless from obsessing over women he could not have he gave up and let life be. Seeing that no woman would talk to him relationship wise and only bed. You would wonder what has he done to deserve such treatment? He was known to be one the most craziest men alive in his state. You'd be a fool to put up with him and his anger. Being Kilyer never put his hands on a women. He wonder why was there so much hate towards him. He had everyone to fear him. Everyone looking at him as if he was a monster.. That all came to change when one day a woman saw his beauty
as the eye of the beholder ..

Beauty is in the Eye of the beholder|| K.G ..Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora