Mysterious person

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This story is based in Chennai. It's the time where Chennai was flooded with rainstorms.

This is one of such apartments where our hero and heroine lives

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This is one of such apartments where our hero and heroine lives. So now coming back to the story.

We can see a girl standing with a tiffin carriage in her hands and standing in front of an apartment. Her right hand is near the calling bell and hesitating to ring the bell since last 5 minutes.

Finally she takes a deep breath and places the carriage on the floor and moves little aside and then rings the bell twice and just runs from there quickly and hides in a spot where she cannot be found that easily.

In less than a minute a man opens the door and is surprised to see the carriage. He tries to find some one around but not finding any he just carries it inside.

He is quite hungry now and can't think of anything other than filling his stomach. It's been a day he ate anything and in that hunger he forgot all the logic.

Who sent this? Is it safe to eat it? What if it is poisonous? What if it is meant for someone else altogether? He doesn't mind. He is just happy that he got food after almost a day.

So he quickly opened the carriage with a smile 😊 and immediately that smile turned to grin because of the aroma that hit his nostrils. It contains some hot hot rotis, potato curry and some awesome pulav and even curd rice.

 It contains some hot hot rotis, potato curry and some awesome pulav and even curd rice

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Pic credits: Goggle

The food and aroma is increasing his hunger and without wasting any time he attacks the food. He moaned loudly after the first bite. He don't know whether because of the hunger the food is tasting so good or really the cook has such wonderful skill.

He finished everything and felt very satisfied and content. He felt different today tasting the food. First time in his life he felt like someone cared for him.

After finishing all the food he understood one thing - that is that the food is so good. It's not his hunger but the cook really had some magic in their hands. He is really thank ful.

Now his hunger is subsided his mind started working. Who is this person ? why did they leave this carriage? He doesn't know anyone in this apartment although living here since last two years. He is very reserved person and hence kept to himself. Even at office he doesn't have any friends. So who would be so concerned for him?

He once again came out of his apartment and checked but he couldn't find anything or anyone. Strange.

As it already night he went to sleep. Strangely he had a good sleep today.

He woke up with the door bell ringing . He is so angry on the person who is disturbing his sleep early in the morning. He checked the time in his mobile and it's already 11:30 in the morning.

He jerked up and sat on the bed. This is the first time he slept this late. He generally doesn't get much sleep and wakes up by max 8 even on weekends. But today he himself is surprised for such a sound sleep he got that he didn't even realize the time.

May be it's all because of the mysterious person who sent the carriage. ( interesting he is not thinking of the food but the person who sent it. You don't even know who sent it😜)

Thinking of the person automatically a smile crept on his face. Suddenly realization dawned on him.

The door 🔔.

That means .... May be ..... oh ya how can he be so careless .

Immediately he ran to the door and opened it. There it is standing in all its glories

He immediately looked in all the directions but to his bad luck he cannot find anyone

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He immediately looked in all the directions but to his bad luck he cannot find anyone. He is highly disappointed.

"Dream some more" he taunted himself.

With a heavy sigh he picked up all the boxes and went inside after checking his surroundings one more time.

Once the door is closed the lady came out of her hideout and left immediately.

Once he came inside he checked all the boxes. They are packed with his breakfast lunch and some snack items. Looks like he lost his chance to catch the mysterious person today.

After refreshing he helped himself with his breakfast. It's idly and chutney. His mouth started watering. He immediately took a bite and moaned loudly.

They really have magic in their hands, he thought. He is surprised at the amount he ate. Yesterday he thought he was hungry and starving for almost a day and hence he ate a little more than his capacity. Today even after such heavy dinner he ate sumptuously or May be even more.

Until today he only knows to eat for survival. He never really cared for food or it's taste. He used to eat whatever his cook used to cook. He never had any appetite.

But since yesterday looks like suddenly
He developed immense interest in food.

Besides everything he is content. He strangely feels a sense of satisfaction in his heart. May be first time someone is caring for him genuinely, that might be the reason.

Precap : so finally I found you........

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