Chapter II

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WARNING: The story is being rewritten, this chapter does not match the events of chapter I

"M-mom... Who's my father?" I finally asked her the question, something had to be wrong, this weird vision and now mom's talking about someone... Normally my mother would be the type to wear fake expressions, contrary of that of her real ones, that's what I hate about her, she was fake, plastic, but when I saw the face she made, I'd rather see the fake expressions.

Her face was pale, she looked like she saw a ghost, her mouth agape trying to speak to no avail. Silence... Silence was all that could be heard, it must've took a minute for other people but for me, it was for hours.

"What do you mean?" She finally spoke, I looked back up at her.

Her expression was stoic, it was like her body had turned to stone, her movements irregular, her speech robotic.

"I believe I've already told you about your father." She smiled, for anybody else it would've looked real, but when you get to see that damned smile as much as I have, you would know that it was fake, even in public she was like this, she was like a doll, the military controlled her, played with her, changed her, after years of changing and wearing faces, she's totally different from the mother I used to know.


"I have though, don't you remember? Your father was a childhood friend of mine I me-"

"Stop lying! I know that story is bullshit! You've told me the same damned story every time I asked you, 'Love at first sight' , 'Lost lover' stop with that bullshit! For the record if it was really love at first sight he wouldn't leave his own daughter and wife! Even the maids know it! I heard them, they said I was an accidental pregnancy a result of a whore queen who didn't know how to control herself! Can you just- Shut the fuck up with that bullshit?!"

I shouted, I could see people gathering around us now, 'Oh god..', I messed up again, I didn't want to cause her this much trouble, she's already tired, I'm just causing her more trouble, god damn it, 'I'm so fucking stupid..' .

"Ymir, how dare you speak to me in that tone?" She spoke in a regal manner, 'Oh of course, she's acting again, of course she will, what did I expect.

"Return to your room at once." She yelled slightly acting calm and composed, how the fuck was she able to act like this?

"How can you act like this god damn it?! You're fucking hopeless!"

I yelled at the top of my lungs, I didn't care about the people around us, the could murmur and whisper for all I care, how could she be like this? After two months of disappearing without even a simple goodbye? The audacity of this- fuck this I'm out!

I turned my back as I began to sprint towards the nearest exit I could think of, which was... think... think... god damn it! Aha! The window! I could hear guards screaming for me to stop, but whatever, I want to get as far away as I can from this place.

I ran as fast as I could towards my room, I could hear footsteps right behind me, almost there... 10 Meters, 4 Meters, 1 Meter, 1 feet, a hand suddenly grabbed my shoulder as I was pulled into a dark room.

"Augh!  What the fuck!" I coughed as dust entered my nostrils, "Sup, Ymir! Long time no see!"

"Arlert Jr?"

A/N: I know the chapter is bad, I pretty much rushed it because I am way pass deadline, sorry for the very long wait, I know I said that the chapter would be released soon in the previous chapter I made in October, but that plan was absolutely fucked due to family stuff, I'll edit the chapter soon, but for now this is it, thanks!

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