Chapter 4

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PLOT TWISTS. GUESS THEY KEPT shit interesting.

I'd be lying if I claimed I'd forgotten about Emilia LeBlanc. But I hadn't expected to see her again. Sure, I knew she was in New York. New fucking York, the home of over eight million people who weren't Emilia LeBlanc.

I'd come to the city a week ago with the intention of doing one thing and one thing only—to make the jerk I'd met at McCoy's drop his fucking lawsuit against my company. He had.

Did I enjoy intimidating him? Yes.

Did it make me a bad person? Probably.

Did I care? Not even one bit.

Sergio had caved, but not because I metaphorically squeezed his balls so tight his future children screamed in agony. He'd done it because I pulled out a detailed draft of a counter lawsuit, one I'd written myself the night before, on my flight from LA to New York. And I'd aced this motherfucker.

Lawyers had the potential to make the best criminals. That was a fact. The only thing that separated me from being an outlaw was opportunity. I had plenty of those within the law.

But Help wasn't far off. I was a bad person, a good lawyer, and to some extent, yes, still the same asshole who made her senior year miserable.

Sergio was going to drop the lawsuit, let us keep the client we allegedly "stole" from his firm, and all was going to be well. I was a partner in a company specializing in high-risk investments and mergers. The four of us—Trent, Jaime, Dean and I—had founded Fiscal Heights Holdings three years ago. They worked the money side while I was the company's lead attorney.

Sure, I liked numbers. They were safe. They didn't fucking speak. What wasn't to like? But I liked arguing and pissing people off even more.

And now I'd found Help.

She wasn't part of the plan, which made the surprise so much sweeter. She was the missing piece. Insurance in case things went south back in Todos Santos. I came here for a merger deal, but I also needed someone to do my dirty work. Originally, I wanted my ex-psychiatrist to help me reach my goal. He knew the whole story and could testify against my stepmother. But fuck, dealing with Help was going to be so much sweeter.

It would probably shatter her innocent little soul. She didn't do revenge. Was never cruel or selfish or any of the things that were the essence of my being. She was kind. Polite and agreeable. She smiled at strangers on the street—I would bet she still did, even in New York—and still had that faint Southern drawl, welcoming and soft, just like her.

I hoped she didn't have a boyfriend. Not for my sake, for his. Whether he existed or not didn't matter. I'd figuratively shoved him out of the picture the minute I set foot in McCoy's and looked up to find her peacock-blue eyes staring right back at me.

She was perfect.

Perfect for my plans and perfect to pass the time with until they materialized.

A ghost from my past who was going to help me haunt the demons of my present. She had the ability to help, and it was obvious she was in a financial pit. A black hole I could fish her out of, healthy and in one piece, except for her scruples.

I was prepared to throw in a lot of resources to get her to agree to my plan. She was mine again the minute I saw her in her next-to-nothing outfit.

She just didn't know it yet.

Emilia POV

My heart was my enemy. I'd known that since I was seventeen. That's why I couldn't stop thinking about him—despite my recent unemployment—when thunder cracked and rumbled above my head.

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