The Lizard Slayer

Start from the beginning

Yellow: I think it was Andrew or something.

Caterpie: Today's your lucky day, Andrew! Welcome to the Caterpie army!

Sandshrew: Oh, (small laugh], thanks, but I'm not really looking to join like a, did you say army?

[Bulbasaur and Flareon fall down the hole and land on Sandshrew]

Caterpie: Is that? (notices Pablo's head on Bulbasaur) No way.

Yellow: No way!

Caterpie: Then that means-

[Charmander falls down the hole, landing on Bulbasaur's bulb, then gets up and starts angrily looking at the Caterpies]

Eddy: Aah! It's the Lizard! (runs away)

Caterpie: Okay, okay, we can do this, Caterpie, I choose you!

Yellow: I thought I was the trainer! Were we taking turns?

Caterpie: I never agreed to that!

[Caterpie is attacked by Charmander's Ember, then Charmander attacks Yellow]

Charmander: WHERE IS SQUIRTLE AND PIKACHU? I know you worms have him! (gets attacked by String Shot)

[Yellow swings away]

Yellow: He's here! Prepare yourselves!

Charmander: (gets the string off him) (sarcastic) Oh, hey, great teamwork, guys! Thanks a lot!

Sandshrew: Sorry, I still wasn't sure what side I was supposed to be on.

Bulbasaur: Ooh, ooh, join our side! Can we keep him, Charmander?

Charmander: (sigh) Fine. What was your name again?

Sandshrew: Sandshrew, but I don't actually want to join a-

Bulbasaur: Ooh-ooh! I think his name should be Dirtle, because he's like Squirtle, but with dirt.

Sandshrew: Oh, at least Andrew sounded like an actual name.

Charmander: Sure. Dirtle, you're with us now.

Bulbasaur: Yay!

Sandshrew: Oh, so you're just going to ignore me then.

Charmander: Pretty much. You got any attacks?

Sandshrew: Well, I-I, I suppose I have Sand Attack.

Charmander: Eh, that could work. Where does the sand come out of?

Sandshrew: It's, it's a little bit more limited than that, (Charmander checks Sandshrew for anything that the sand could come out of) (stutters) more of a support tactic than anything else.

Charmander: Uh-huh. Let's keep moving.

Bulbasaur: You're my best friend now.

Sandshrew: Oh, cool.


[Sandshrew, Flareon, Charmander and Bulbasaur slide down into another part of the cave]

Bulbasaur: Oooh.

[The cave reveals a bunch of drawings that show different ways the Caterpies could kill Charmander, such as getting Weedles to poison sting him to death, getting a Metapod to stab right through him, or two Caterpies to force feed him berries]

Flareon: What the hell?

Sandshrew: Huh, so I'm guessing they aren't big fans of yours.

Charmander: The worms are my sworn enemies. After they took Squirtle and Pikachu from me, I vowed to kill as many as I have to to get them back. And they've already vowed to kill me because I've been eating them or whatever.

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