"He what??"


"Listen, just know that whatever I'm doing is for his own good."

"What good are you talking about?? You are literally HURTING him!!! After just one week you will go away and right before that you are acting like a STRANGER to him!!"

"Lizzie, just drop this topic. You are exaggerating about it too much. It's not a very big deal. Everything is fine between us... you two are just over thinking about it too much."

"Oh, well then if everything is fine then, the day you will be going, Juuzou will take you to the airport."

Kiyoko furrowed her eyebrows, "Since when I needed to be taken care of so much, huh? You are acting as if I can't go to the airport all by myself! It's not like it's my first time and you yourself never came to drop me in the airport so why this time Juuzou has to come with me?!"

"It's my last decision that he is going to drop you to the airport.", Saying this Lizzie walked out of Kiyoko's room.

"And WHO ARE YOU to give me your last decision, HUH?"

Lizzie looked behind and glared at Kiyoko, "I'm the one who's been taking care of you when your OWN BLOOD RELATED family couldn't. Now it's up to you if you want to listen to me or not, I don't want to force you neither I want to start an argument with you right before you are going out in a work related tour. Good night."


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Cherry: ... that's why I told you not to say anything to Lizzie, she's always like th-

Kiyoko: I don't blame her for scolding me, if I was in Lizzie's place I would be mad too...

Cherry: bleh! I didn't called you to talk about Lizzie, I called you to know what's going now... I mean, after you tried to maintain distance from Juuzou How did he reacted? And is staying away from him actually working? he is not sticking with you anymore, right?

Kiyoko: Umm... Lately I'm too busy with my own wor-

Cherry: Dude dude dude I'm not asking about you...

Kiyoko: Yeah~ Yeah~ I get it lover girl haha... No he is probably not bothered about it much and he's not sticking with me anymore and as I said that nowadays I'm too busy with my own work, so I don't really leave my room much.

Cherry: Ah I see~ Hey hey hey... Can I say you something?

Kiyoko: What?

Cherry: What if I stay in your place when you are gone? What do you say?

Kiyoko: Ehh?? The fuck you mean?

Cherry: I said that, can I live in your room when you will go to that tour?

Kiyoko: Huh?? Whyyy??

Cherry: So that you know...I can...

Kiyoko: Dude no please. I don't like to give my room to someone, please don't ask for something I can't give.

Cherry: Pleaseeeee!!! I swear I will not touch anything!!

Kiyoko: No!

Cherry: I won't even touch your bed!!

Kiyoko: Then where the fuck you will sleep??? In the couch??

Cherry: Pfftt! Of course not!

Kiyoko: Then?

Beautiful Angel 2 [Juuzou Suzuya x Named reader]Where stories live. Discover now