Chpt 10

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Ranboo POV

I was in a call with Niki and Philza and told them about what I was going to do for today. I had tweeted there would be no stream for the day. I was packing the things I needed for the day, Philza and Niki laughing.

"Calm down Mate, the beach isn't going anywhere" Philza said, laughing, as Niki was giggeling.
"No but I am! And so is Y/N" I said, feeling my chest flutter just thinking about her.
"Well its a good thing your going to hang out with her" Niki smiled.

I nodded and heard my parents call for me. "Well I better get going" I said and hung up, leaving for the car.

{Timeskip, Author is a lazy shit}

We arrived at the beach to see... Alot of people...

But, There was a little spot where we could see iur neighbor family. Y/N was standing there, seeming to wait for me. I had a different mask with me. This Mask was grey.

I left the car and as soon as I got closer to her, I just felt more and more happy. She looked up from the sand and looked at me, her face seeming to lighten up. Before I had time to process she charged at me and threw herself at me, forcing me into a tight, warm embrace. "That took you long enough!" She said. I laughed and hugged her back, resting my head on top of hers.

She pulled away from the hug and gave me her crooked smile. "Did you plan on going in the water?" She asked me, raising one eyebrow at me. I shook my head 'no'

"Good! Because we're not!" She said and crossed her arms. I tilted ny head slightly at her. "What have you planned?" I asked.

"Four hours of painting Ceramics!" She said proudly and walked a long the sand. She pointed to the left, her E/C eyes looked at me. "Theres a little creative space a little down the path here" She said and walked off. I had to follow.

Ceramics? Sounds fun, I suppose.

We walked along the sand, to see a small shop ahead. Y/N opened the door and walked in. When I entered the shop, she was already looking at the completly white pottery. She was holding a tiny vase in her hands, seeming concentrated. I noticed small details that was just mezmerizing. Her E/C orbs locked with mine. "Have you tried this before?" she asked me.

I shook my head to pay more attention. "Sorry?"
"Have you tried this before?" She asked, now giving me a small smile.
"Um, No I Don't believe I have" I said. She handed me the vase and smiled.

"Take that. Its the same vase I started with" she said and took a mug for herself. We were told to sit down at a table and I was told the rules and stuff.

Your POV

I started putting a small strand of tape in the top and bottom of my mug, so I could have a seperation.

About and hour passed and I had got down my design and started on the base colour. I looked up, to see Ranboo, concentrated as ever. I had never seen him this focused. It was kind of hilarious to me.

{Timeskip, Author just woke up}

We had Both finished our Ceramics and I payed for them.

We both walked out the shop, as I smiled at Ranboo. "What did you think of Ceramics?" I asked. His Stormy eyes locked with mine. I never noticed his eyes had a hint of light blue in them.
"It was fun. We should do it again sometime" Ranboo said. I couldn't help but smile.

We walked and talked, as we walked back to the others. Jessica glared at me, once again. She really just couldn't take a hint. Ranboo and I were good friends... Nothing more.
For some reason... That thought made my chest ache.
Probaly nothing.

We hung out the entire day, laughed and joked and just had fun. I yawned out of no where. What the fuck? I didn't feel tired. The domino effect. I heard Ranboo chuckle and I turned ny head towards him. "Y'know, your quite adorable" He said.
I blushed, my eyes going wide. What did he say?

I could see his ears going red, as he avoided eye contact. "I-I'm so sorry, I-I, y'know, I-I meant, and-" I could tell he was flustered with all stuttering. The both us were blushing, both of us flustered.

"N/N! We're leaving" I heard Jackson call. I giggled and looked back at Ranboo. "We will be going back tommorrow... So... Cya by the Window Boo" I said.

He hugged me and I couldn't help but hug back. He pulled away and placed his hand on top of my head. With his free hand, He pulled down his mask and gave me a warm smile. "Cya tommorrow window girl..."

Just A Summer Crush - RanbooxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now