Chapter 4: Dream A Little Dream

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Matilda watched the news on the tv as reporters covered the events that were happening in Sokovia. Images of the city being destroyed flashed across the screen. Matilda was biting her nails so bad that she didn't even notice they were bleeding until the metallic taste filled her mouth. The city was now hovering in the air, a mysterious force pulling the land mass higher and higher into the sky. Sitting on the edge of her bed, her leg began to bounce with the bubble of anxiety that was building in her chest. She couldn't watch this anymore. She turned the tv off and started to pace her room again. Thoughts ran through her head as the worst possible outcomes rooted themselves in the front of her mind.

Part of her knew that they would be okay. They were good at this kind of stuff. They always found a way to save the day and come back home. The other part of her though, was mentally preparing herself for the death of someone. She would be lost if anything happened to Tony. He was the last remaining father figure she had in her life, and he was a small piece of her dad that she couldn't bear to lose. It would be like losing her father all over again. Her hand, almost as if on its own, went to her lips. Her lips still tingled, and she could still feel Steve's fervent kiss linger. She hoped that moment wouldn't be the last encounter she had with Steve. Her head started to spin and she threw herself down on her bed and stared up at the ceiling. She didn't want to think about what was happening between her and Steve yet, not when her stomach was in knots worrying about everyone living until the end of the day.

She groaned as she sat back up, unable to sit still. "I need to go do something." She decided to go burn off some of her built up energy at the gym. She changed into leggings and a baggy t-shirt and made her way to the gym where she would stay for the next two hours distracting herself.

Hours later as she laid on the couch surrounded by empty beer bottles, broken glass, and discarded take out containers in the main room, she decided to check the news yet again against her best judgment. Headlines read of thousands killed, the city in complete ruins, and people outraged at the Avengers, demanding justice to be served for their destructive behavior. The fight was over, that much she knew, but still no word from anyone on if they were alright or not. The sound of the elevator doors opening made Matilda sit up quickly, sending an ice bucket clanging to the floor. She was surprised to see Happy enter the living room, clipboard in hand and a crew of men behind him.

"Happy, what are you doing here?" The urge to hug him made her stand up but not walk towards him.

"Hey there, Matilda. I didn't expect you to be here. I'm here with the cleanup crew as usual for Tony. We're here to get this place to top selling condition!" He smiled at her as he scanned the room.

"Selling condition? What are you talking about?" Since when was Tony planning on selling Stark Tower?

"Uh, I wasn't supposed to say anything, so never mind." He tried to hurry away towards the group of men that were standing near one of the broken balcony windows.

"Oh no you don't! What is going on?" She hurried after him, grabbing onto his arm.

He sighed. "Please, for my sake, just let Tony tell you. He would kill me if I told you without him here."

She let go of his arm. "He's selling the tower, isn't he? Where are we going to go if he sells it? When was he going to tell me? Was he ever going to tell me?" Her questions fell out of her mouth like vomit, she couldn't stop the babbling.

"Easy kid, slow down. I swear he's going to kill me." He sighed again, putting his clipboard under his arm. "Yes, Tony is selling the building, to who and when, I have no idea. I just take orders; I don't ask questions. Yes, he was going to tell you and that is all I have to say on the matter. Anymore and I'll be thrown off the building. Now if you excuse me."

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