Charmander Gets Punched in the Face

Start from the beginning

Gaven: Human human!

[Hitmochan uses Double Kick on Pikachu sending him back into a tree]

Charmander: Okay, this is stupid. Step aside.

[Charmander bites Hitmonchan's leg]

Hitmonchan: Ow! Ho ho! Now we're talkin'!

Gaven: Human hu!

Hitmonchan: Alright, let's-

[Charmander bites the back of Hitmonchan's head]

Hitmonchan: Heeeey! You can't attack twice in one turn! What is this, amateur hour?

Charmander: Eeuuugh... Did something happen to you? There's no way your face was meant to look like that.

Hitmonchan: Oooh ho ho ho ho hoooh! Wow! You are sooo funny! WOW! I'm gonna punch you in the face now!

[Hitmonchan punches Charmander]

Charmander: Try punching this!

[Charmander uses Ember on Hitmonchan]

[The fire explodes, damaging Hitmonchan]

Gaven: Human human!

[Hitmonchan comes out of the flame, unscathed, and proceeds to repeatedly punch Charmander]

[His final punch knocks out Charmander]

Hitmonchan: (catching breath) Aw crap.

Bulbasaur: Is he dead?

Pikachu: Kinda be happy if he was.

Hitmonchan: Nah, just fainted.'s a shame. We coulda' used him on our team.

Gaven: Human human!

Hitmonchan: Lucky you two!

(Hitmonchan punches Bulbasaur, and Pikachu, then cuts to black. Scene cuts back to Charmander, who wakes up to find himself covered in sticks)

Charmander: Uuuggghhh... What the-?

Squirtle: Oh hey, uh, good morning.

Charmander: What is all this?

Squirtle: I covered you in sticks, because, you know... I figured that's what you do with a campfire, and you're- I dunno. Uh, looking at it now it was pretty dumb logic.

Charmander: Where's Bulbasaur and Pikachu?

Squirtle: The human took them.

Charmander: What!? Eh- He can't do that!

Squirtle: I told you Pokemon can't be trainers.

Charmander: Eah, you tell me a lot of things, none of them matter. (gets up and the sticks get off him) Now come on! We're going back for them.

Squirtle: Oh and what are we gonna do? Attack them head on?

Charmander: Uh, that's an order, Squirtle.

Squirtle: You're just gonna get killed again.

Charmander: Move!

Squirtle: No! I'm tired of this!


Squirtle: And why should listen to you, huh? What are you gonna do, hit me?

Charmander: Yes. (hits Squirtle)

Squirtle: What makes you think you're qualified to train us? Huh? You have no idea what you're doing!

Charmander: Excuse me!? I am the-

Squirtle: The what? Strongest? Most "experienced"? It takes more than that to lead, FIRE FACE! All you do is use force to get your way! And you don't know ANYTHING ELSE! Bulbasaur and Pikachu are with a REAL trainer now! And I'm happy for them because they're on a TEAM! Not a dictatorship!

[Charmander breathes fire at Squirtle, but Squirtle is unharmed]

Squirtle: Yeah, that's not very effective. Jeez! At least learn the basics.

[Squirtle proceeds to walk away, until...]

Charmander: Squirtle.

[Squirtle turns around{

Charmander: [sigh] Okay, fine. You're right. I hate to admit it, I really do. But you're right. I really don't know what I'm doing. I'm- I'm sorry.

[Charmander learned EMPATHY!]

Charmander: But I refuse to submit to the humans! We're both better than that and you know it! And we can't beat them unless we stick together! So I'm asking you. Not as your trainer, but as your partner. Help me get our friend back!

Squirtle: Okay.

[Squirtle and Charmander shake hands, becoming allies again]

Squirtle: But if we're going up against that punch monster, we're gonna need a better strategy.

Charmander: What did you have in mind?

[As Squirtle thinks, the scene cuts to black, then cuts to Gaven holding a Helix Fossil]

Squirtle: Hey sweatpants! Look over here! A wild Squirtle appeared!

[Gaven throws away the Helix Fossil and takes out his Pokeball and releases Hitmonchan]

Hitmonchan: Ugh, you again? Are you guys that desperate to get captured?

Squirtle: Yeah, sure. I love doing whatever you said. CHARMANDER NOW!!!

[Charmander takes the Pokeball from Gaven]

Hitmonchan: W-wait! N-no! No! NO! NO!!!

[Charmander breaks the Pokeball as Hitmonchan was about to go back in]

[Hitmonchan starts screaming and glitches out until he completely disappears]

Gaven: HUMAAAN!!!

[Charmander grabs onto Gaven's leg]

[Gaven gets him off and runs away]

Charmander: Yeah, that's right! Run away! What are you without your slaves!?

[Charmander has Two Pokeballs his hands and releases Bulbasaur and Pikachu]

Bulbasaur: Charmander? Oh no! Did you kill Gaven!?

Pikachu: Yeah, He was good!

Charmander: The kid? Nah, he got away. But I'll kill him next time if you want.

Bulbasaur: No, that's okay. Gaven's actually pretty cool! He taught me how to do this! (uses Vine Whip on Squirtle)

Pikachu: And he taught to use this! (Uses Iron Tail on the ground)

Charmander: Aw sweet! We gotta test them out some more! Ooh, by the way, I have something for you!

[Charmander gives Bulbasaur back his hat, which is Pablo the Caterpie's head]

Bulbasaur: YAY! I missed you, hat!

Charmander: Good to have you back, veggie burger! Come on, let's go kill us some dinner!

Squirtle: I wonder what happened to the punching guy.

Charmander: Oh, I'm sure it doesn't matter.

[Cuts to a white void of nothingness where Hitmonchan is]

Hitmonchan: Hello? Is anyone there? Hello?

[mysterious glitch noise]

Hitmonchan: Huh? What the...?

[The mysterious Missingno. appears before Hitmonchan]

Missingno.: 00100011 01101101 01101001 01110011 01110011 01101001 01101110 01100111

(Missingno. comes toward Hitmonchan)

Hitmonchan: Oh no. no. no. no. NO. NO-NO. OH GOD NO. NONOONNONO(Glitches)NOOOAA(glitches while shouting)AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

To Be Continued...

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