Chapter 2

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The next day, Kuroo heard a knock on his office door. "Come in." He said putting away some documents. Kai opened the door with a vanilla folder in his hand then walked over to Kuroo. "Here you go. A full fledged report on Kozume Kenma." Kai said confidently. Kuroo saw Kai's energy about Kenma had changed. He had gone back to his usually excited self. Kuroo took the papers out of the vanilla folder then hummed. "Thank you Kai. Tell the others to be here in 30 mins. He should be here the same time he was yesterday." Kuroo said, looking at his watch. Kai nodded then walked out of Kuroo's office. Kuroo read the report carefully. He's 23, 5'6, no criminal record etc. Kuroo hummed taking in all the information on the paper then putting it back into the folder then laying it on his test. He was honestly interested in this Kozume Kenma boy. But the chances of him being a spy was high.

He sighed then opened his computer. Over the course of the hour, he saw all his members enter the building on the cameras. He got up then walked out his office. He walked over to everyone with a smile on his face. "Ah, I'm glad I didn't have to tell everyone to bring their training clothes. Well, you guys know what to do? Bring out the equipment he should be here, same time as yesterday." Kuroo said, everyone followed directions. The boy who went by 'YM went towards him and blushed embarrassed. "Yaku... you got caught didn't you?" Kuroo asked sternly. Yaku let out a big sigh, then nodded his head. Kuroo hummed, then looked at Yaku then started chuckling. "You're my best spy Yaku, how did he catch you?" Kuroo said, walking towards the shorter male. Yaku started sweating, "H-he too good. He knew he was being followed since he left. But I did notice, he went to someone's house. It wasn't his own. I was able to get the address." Yaku said, taking out a paper and handing it to Kuroo. The boss let out a deep breath.

"He's talented alright. Well go off and train, thank you Yaku." Kuroo said, putting the paper in a pocket in his suit. As the members trained, Kuroo looked at the time. At exactly the same time as before, an alarm went off. Kai rushed to turn it off as Kuroo opened the door. All of the members got in line. Kuroo's eyes widened as he looked at Kenma. "I told you, we're going to see if you qualify." He stated a little agitated. Kenma looked up at him then nodded. "Yeah? Are we still going too?" Kuroo rolled his eyes then let the smaller male in the door. Kenma was wearing an even longer hoodie than before. He walked inside then hummed. "I came alone this time." Kenma said, starting to take off the hoodie. He was in some black really short shorts and a red t-shirt. It was the best thing he had close to the mafia training uniform.

"Alright. NK, the alarm. Everyone else listen up! We might have another new member and since everyone warmed up. Get in position!" Kai rushed to Kuroo's side after turning off, then grabbed a clipboard to write down the results. Suddenly Kenma was in the middle of a circle, with 7 guns pointed at him. Kenma pouted then lifted his arms in the air. "Alright, TY can you go over what we stand for in this mafia team." Kuroo while walking towards Kenma. The smaller male made eye contact with him. "Money is like our oxygen, we are the bodily functions that help oxygen get to every part of the body." Another male spoke up. Kenma looked at Kuroo annoyed. "Simple, don't get caught, and don't let anyone know who we are. I don't usually kill my members, but I will if I have to. 2 were killed for spying , and the other was killed for not following my simple directions." Kuroo said, pacing around the smaller boy. Kenma kept his eye on Kuroo then gulped silently. Kuroo went over more rules and Kenma listened to every single last one of them.

"Now do you understand Kozume Kenma?" Kuroo said. As soon as Kuroo finished his question, Kenma heard all the guns that were pointed at him reload. "Yes, sir." Kuroo smiled then signaled for everyone to put their guns down. "Good, everyone line up. Wait for me as I discuss some things.  NK, KK follow me to my office please." Kuroo stated. A familiar face started following the boss. Kenma waited for the second person to follow him, then realized it was him. He followed behind him, then entered a dark room. Kuroo sat down then held the vanilla folder given to him by Kai. The person who seemed to go by NK, pulled out chairs for both of them, then they sat down. "KK since you've been familiarized with the rules. I wanted my assistant to go ahead and get you everything. But... sadly being held at gunpoint by 7 guns isn't exactly going to guarantee your way on the team." Kuroo said, taking a look at the report. He read it again then pouted. "You don't really look... how do I put it? Trustworthy, you knew you were being followed by us but still didn't go home? Explain." 

Kenma scratched his head then looked around the office a bit. "I mean, would you usually go home if you were being followed? But then I just realized you probably were going to find out all my personal information anyways so I just went to my grandma's house. I'm not trying to have my grandmother killed so I didn't tell her anything. You can fact check me if you want but I have no reason to lie." The new edition to the team. His statement made Kuroo chuckle a little about how open Kenma was. He put the report back into the report back into the folder. "You should know what to do with this. And also put in order the guns and uniforms. We already know his size so... get them quickly." 

To Be Continued...

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