Enjoy Your Blizzard

Start bij het begin

Noir ignored the way her heart fluttered at the nickname.

That's dumb. Plagg whispered.

Shut up.

Buy me cheese and I will.

Noir tuned him out.

"Someone's looking rather cold today, don't you think?" Ladybug called, jumping out of the way as Stormy Weather sent a spear of ice at her.

Noir grinned, flipping over backwards to avoid a giant block of hail. With every dodge, the storm around them became worse, Noir almost couldn't see Ladybug.

"Oh I more than think, she imprisoned m--a citizen--in ice earlier. Pretty rude of her."

Ladybug stilled, eyes flickering with something dangerous.

"It doesn't matter right now, we have to defeat Stormy Weather."

Ouch. Plagg said.

Noir ignored in favor of launching herself at Ladybug, the hero seemed to understand her intent because she placed her hands down for Noir.

The cat-like hero jumped onto her partner's hands and threw herself at Stormy Weather, claws out and eyes blazing.

Stormy Weather screeched, throwing out her hand in an attempt to protect her face.

But Noir wasn't aiming for the face.

She snatched the umbrella away, using the Akuma's shoulders as a way to flip over behind her.

Noir snapped the umbrella over her knee, waiting for the Akuma to fly out and for the storm to end.

Nothing happened.

Why didn't anything happen?

There wasn't an Akuma.

Why wasn't there an Akuma?

Well that's not ideal. Plagg said from the back of her mind.

Noir looked over at Ladybug, who stood frozen off to the side. Panic was beginning to swirl in her bluebell eyes.

From the grounds Stormy Weather gasped out laughter, but the sound was made vicious by the choking sound following each laugh.

"You think--you think that's going to get rid of me? That won't work anymore, kitten." Stormy Weather grinned, blood stained her teeth and a crazed look cracked her eyes.

Along her skin, black veins crawled up her neck and arms. With her unearthly beauty and snowy skin, she looked like a ripped photograph.

Noir took a staggering step backward as Stormy Weather's laughter turned savage. Stormy Weather heaved once, and stomped laughing.

She slumped to the ground, blood splattered across the frosted ground and black veins crawling up her arms.

"Is she...?" Ladybug whispered, dread building like a tidal wave behind her cracking voice.

Noir crept forward, hoping this was just a trick and that Stormy Weather was really dead.

She crouched down, pressing her fingers against the Akuma's freezing neck.

No pulse.

Noir checked her wrist, her neck,her heart.

But all for nothing.

Stormy Weather was dead.


"Damn it!"

Adrien clawed at his cheeks and eyes, tearing at his hair and skin.

"Why didn't it work, fuck!"

He stared down at his new Miraculous, dull green eyes glowing with anger.

Why couldn't Stormy Weather be useful! All he needed was a powerful Akuma to enhance and fix so they could kill Ladybug and Noir!

But no. No, no, no. That useless snowball had to go and die.


How was he supposed to get his revenge if an Akuma couldn't hold his power?

Adrien threw his phone against the wall, it landed in the cemetery of dead butterflies.

He didn't need those useless bugs anymore, they were of no use to him. Sending his power out directly served him better, it fixed his minions and made them better.

Except that he was too powerful, the Akum's would die before getting the Miraculous.

Useless, useless, useless.

"M--master?" Nooroo's sickly sweet voice whispered timidly.

Adrien turned harshly to snarl at his Kwami.


The Kwami flinched, flying backwards a step.

"M--maybe you s--should use the but--butterflies again."

Adrien fumed. Red overtook his vision.

This Kwami was telling him what to do? That thing needed to learn his place, to bow down to his master, his god.

Because that's what Adrien was.

A god.

And god's always got what they wanted.

Adrien stalked towards the Kwami, who shivered in fear.

Good, Adrien liked it when his victims squirmed a little.


hey guys...I think I just became a serial killer

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