"Marinette, are you alright?"

She didn't say anything.

She lost Chloé. She lost her--

"This is why you need to stay away from Akumas! Listen to me!" Bruising hands gripped her shoulders, shaking her roughly.

Marinette came back to life with a flinch. Someone was touching her.

Blonde hair. Green eyes. Disappointed expression.


Marinette tugged herself away from him, heart thumping wildly.

"Geez, Mari. Get up, we have to go. Stop being like this!"

Marinette stood silently, leveling the boy with a glare that was only reserved for Hawkmoth.

"I don't need your help, Agreste. I can handle myself."

Funny how it took the person she hated most to make her feel alive and ready.

Ready for vengeance.


Marinette turned on her heel and stalked away, ignoring Adrien's protests.

She needed to transform and help Chloé.

No one was going to stop her.

Especially not some self-entitled mangy alley cat with boundary issues.


Chloé was cold.

She was trapped in a goddamn block of ice, freezing her ass off.

She wanted to transform and cataclysm the ice, but then Stormy Weather would know her identity.

And she couldn't let that happen.

"Stop being such a baby, it's just ice." Plagg said, huddled up in Chloé's jacket.


Chloé huffed. "Well since you're so warm, why don't you get out of my jacket?"

Plagg bit her hand.

The blonde made a sound of indignation and flicked Plagg in the head.

Little bitch.

The two sat in silence, refusing to acknowledge the comfortable warmth they gave each other when snuggled up like that.

"I'm hungry! Get me some cheese, kid!" Plagg said, breaking the silence between them.

You have got to be kidding me.

Chloé sighed, smacking her head backwards into the ice.

"You ate it all, remember? Even the extra emergency bag I have for you."

Plagg floated up in front of her face, staring her down. Chloé sent the glare back with extra ferocity.

"Find me cheese."


"Find me cheese."


Plagg huffed, breathing faster and faster until he let out a loud cry.

Chloé rolled her eyes.

"Why! You are such a cruel holder! Starving me and refusing to give me cheeeeeeeese!"

The blonde sighed and pulled out her phone. She turned the screen to the Kwami, a cheese website displayed.

"If you shut up, I'll order enough cheese to max out my dad's card."

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