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"The boss is here." A whisper shout sounded from the enterance of Shanti-Goddess Co. top floor of their headquarters. The warning had every employee scrambling to their work stations and others ,trying to look busy. The once a week visit from the boss and owner was always a scary surprise. If caught in the wrong place or doing the wrong thing ,you could be out on your ass before you can say Shanti.

Mira Cole , the boss' personal assistant rushed to place a cup of black coffee on the desk before leaving and going to her office next door. The whole floor fell into silence as all that could be heard were the clicking of keyboards or shuffles of paper. When the clicking of shoes sounded on the marble floor no one dared to lift their heads scared to be called in.

Apart from their frightening boss, everyone loved and valued their jobs. the salaries were good, the benefits better and the hours were the best. Shanti-Goddess was a great company to work for. Shanti-Goddess was a company ,founded and owned by Simone Njopera, that focused on hair care for all races. When it started it was just one saloon that focused mainly on African women's hair. But Simone had a bigger dream to work with all hair types and help women manage their hair and beauty. Three years back Simone branched out to men's care which was a whooping success that catapulted the company to internation markets. Now Shanti-Goddess had more than twenty franchised saloons, successful hair care products for both male and female.

The climb to the top had not been a walk in the park , Simone had to toughen up to reach the goals. Being ruthless and having a low tolerance for nonsense was important. Hence why everyone feared their boss.

"Mira, my office now." The boss' calm cool tone called out making Mira scramble to get up and rush. She quickly walked into the office, shut the door behind her then stood waiting with her tablet ready.

"Good Morning," Mira spoke out when she saw that her boss was lost in a file and did not even notice that Mira was there.

"Morning Mira. Thank you for my coffee, I really needed it after the family dinner last night." Simone replied offered a tired smile.

Mira moved to go sit down and set the tablet with the planner on the side.She knew family dinners at the Njopera's were taxing, having attended a few herself. Mira and Simone were cousins , their mothers had been sisters. Mira's mother had passed away when she was ten and her father had moved them to Capetown to be closer to his family. After Mira graduated she moved back to Johannesburg and joined her cousin in the hair business. This was when Shanti was still a baby, still a dream. Now it was a growing empire and Simone knew she could have done it without Mira.

"Did your mother try match making again?" Mira asked with a grimance.

"Worse. She compiled a catalog of all the eligible and well bred. It was horrible." Simone complained as she sat down and laid her face on her desk.

"Don't do that, you will ruin your make up." Mira scolded.

"I don't care." Simone mumbled but still lifted her face, her make up unaffected . Simone was beautiful, milk chocolate skin that she looked after. Her hair, the inspiration that sparked her empire, was kept natural and styled to perfection. She had been the first face of Shanti-Goddess, the first model for her brand. Back then she would also do hair for her few clients on her own instead of handing them over to her assistants. Now she mainly concetrated on the business side of her empire which she did flawlessly. Mira some times felt jealous how her cousin had it all, beauty, brains and drive.

Mira was by no means ugly, she was a beauty in her own standing. Her father had been white so her skin was the caramel tone. Her hair was a messy curl that she struggled with until Simone taught her how to maintain. Her cousin knew hair and her products made hair of all types healthy and easy to maintain. A much needed miracle for women all over.

"You will have to choose someone one day or she will not stop." Mira told her cousin. She did sympathize with Simone but there was no helping her. She was turning thirty in a month and Claire Njopera wanted her married. Problem was Claire did not want just anybody as a son inlaw. She wanted the cream of the crop. The poor man had to be the right pedigree to even be given a second glance.

Claire Njopera was from old South African money. She married Simon Njopera ,a newly rich man from Zimbabwe and helped him become even richer. Their only daughter was expected to marry a man of their standing , at least Claire expected it. Simon was more laid back and cared for his daughter happiness but the push of his wife made him step back when Claire matchmaked.

"I do not have time nor the tolerance to deal with a relationship. Shanti just went international, I need to focus on that. Did you manage to arrange a meeting with Mr. Stein?" Just like that Simone switched from venting to business mode. She knew she had no time to willow and moan about her mother. Shanti needed her sharp and focused.

But Mira knew better, she knew her cousin did long for a relationship. Mira had just moved in with her boyfriend and everything was great. She saw the flicker of sadness on Simone when Bradley came to visit. It was not jealousy, more like .....like fear that she did not believe she could find a love so easy going and right. She had suitors lining up, but they felt like valtures to her. All seeing her more as a business advancement wrapped in a pretty package.

"Yes, he agreed to dinner tomorrow night at seven. I have already called and booked a private table at Marble .Do you still want to personally interview the models?I have it scheduled for today at nine." Mira quickly responded, she knew the schedule by heart, having planned every detail personally.

"Yes, I can never trust Billings with that. He sees big breasts and sees beauty , to hell with what the face looks like or what we are looking for."

"Big boobs huh? Are you not just jealousy cause yours are tiny?" Mira teased as she got up.

"At least their bigger than those mosquito bites you have." Simone teased back with a playful smile earning an outraged gasp from her cousin.

"You leave my mosquito bites alone you meany." Mira countered as she used the tablet to shield her chest area. For an extra dramatic flare she stuck her tongue out at her boss who giggled at her childish behaviour.

"Haha now get back to work, I do not pay you to joke around with me." Simone ordered pretending to be serious but ever grateful to her cousin who always cheered her up.

"Ma'am, yes ma'am." Mira said with a mock salute before leaving the office. She quickly wiped off her smile before people thought her cousin was getting soft. Simone Njopera had a reputation to protect.

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