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" tenya-Sama would you happen to have any blue and red markers?"

"Yes! of course!"he startle. He gave the said markers to you from a drawer below before you used them to colour the parts.

"Now, would you like for me to explain the short of it first before we get into the details. It'd be easier that way" you looked at him as the stars in his eyes disappear as he nodded.

"The circulatory system is made up of blood vessels that certain blood away from and towards the heart.

veins carry blood back to the heart" you turned your sight from the drawing to him who seemed to be really focused and really taking this seriously, which you appreciated.

"You know, you can actually see your veins through your skin" and slowly you took the back of his hand and brought it to the desk, before pointing and tracing along the veins in it.

"See this blue branch lines? These are your veins

While on the other hand the Arteries carry blood away from the heart. And for arteries you can't really see them through your skin because arteries are buried deep your tissue..

Tenya-sama..did you understood my explanation?"

The boy looked like he had a lot on his mind as he just kept blankly staring at his hand. And Unbeknownst to you his ear had actually become pink by the sudden touch.

"Hm? Yes! Please, keep explaining (L/n)-san"


AFTER AN HOUR or so you guys were finally finished in the lesson.

"Thank you so much (L/n)-san I really couldn't have done ot without you" he smiled

"It's nothing. I'm just doing my job. On the bright side it really helps me refresh my brain" you answer leaning back to another of tenyas chair you've pulled for yourself in the middle of the lesson.

"My mother told me you were the same age as me, how come you know so much about anatomy? You even gave me more material about it. Are you that interested in it?"

"I guess you could say that"

"If I may ask (L/n)-san, you stay here 24/7 taking care of my mother shouldn't you be in high-school? Seeing how smart you are I assume that you're enrolling in one. And what about-"

"Woah there! I am aware that your quirk makes you speedy but please slow down. We're not that close for you to be asking too any questions. We have a deal, dont you recall?" You say Suddenly standing up. His eyes widened in realization and he was meaning to apologize when you suddenly said

"Please excuse me, tenya-Sama."
You turned to leave and as you were about to open the door you were stopped when he suddenly stood up from his chair

"Tenya. Please just call me tenya (L/n)-san.."

He says, hoping for you to turn back and look at him again.

"As you wish.."

You left the room. And he was just left there, dumbfounded. As he sat back on his chair and looked at yours. Flashing back to the past hour. He was amazed by your intelligence and your charm, your demeanor has changed and it showed him that you are not the angry girl he made you out to be.
But in a moment of realization he shook his head

'I shouldn't be thinking this way.'

SUNDAY MORNING, a lovely morning if was as the Iida family sat on the dining table, and as the girl left after putting down their food, Tensei cleared his throat eyeing his brother.



But tenya just looked at him in confusion.

"What your brother was trying to say is, how was your study last night with (y/n)?" Mrs. Iida asked before tensei added, muffled by the food.

"More like study-date"

"It was not a study date!"

" how did it go?" The mother proceeded.

"It went well. I finally understood the lesson. And I was actually really suprised on how she understood the subject very much. I never took her as the smart type of person" he says making both his mother and brother smile

"I knew I could trust her. She's a medical student you know"

"A medical student? Tensei are you being serious?" He asked earning a nod from him. Immediately he stopped with a suprised face staring at his brother. He was stunned to say the least.

"I know tenya likes smart girls" he laughed as he whispered to his mother, making her shook her head in amusement.

SUNDAYS is a day where most of the iida family members are home, meaning it is the one day where food also runs out quickly.

"Mrs. Iida. im going to go get groceries. Would you like to request anything for dinner?"

The woman turned her sight away from the magazine she was reading on the couch, before asking her oldest for any suggestions

"I'm fine with any... but you know.." he started.

You've only worked here for a week but you know this ain't gonna be good.

"There must be a lot of groceries for one family, wouldn't you want some help with them?" He said with his cheeky smile.

"It's fine. I can do it myself, really"

"What if tenya were to help you? He can helo you carry the groceries and even tell you what the family likes! Isn't  that a good idea mom?" He says happily as he turned to his mother.

"Yes! And no need to worry about me (y/n), my son will take care of me"

"Then it's settled! Let me call tenya for you" he cheerfully said, standing up from the couch and walking out.

'Fuck me'


An: 2 years of not writing so I'm very sorry if the writing has changed. I'm very happy that some of you guys really enjoy this story & I hope you stay tune.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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